Контрольная работа: Перевод в профессиональной сфере
And – a conjunction, coordinating, simple.
Drill - a verb, notional, non-finite, regular, transitive, simple, in Indicative mood, Active Voice, Indefinite Infinitive.
Shall drill - expresses the function of the compound verbal predicate.
The – an article, definite.
Wells- a noun, common, countable, in plural, derivative, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the direct object.
Specified - a verb, notional, non-finite, regular, transitive, derivative, in Indicative mood, Passive Voice, Past Participle.
By - a preposition, simple.
Company - a noun, common, countable, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object in the extended attribute.
Specified By Company - Participle clause, expresses the function of extended attribute
Contractor – a noun, common, countable, derivative, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the subject.
Shall - a verb, modal, defective.
Operate – a verb, notional, non-finite, regular, derivative, transitive, in Indicative mood, Active Voice, Indefinite Infinitive.
Shall operate expresses the function of the compound verbal predicate.
And – a conjunction, coordinating, simple.
Maintain - a verb, notional, non-finite, regular, transitive, in Indicative mood, Active Voice, Indefinite Infinitive.
Shall maintain expresses the function of the compound verbal predicate.
Drilling - a noun, common, uncountable, derivative, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the attribute in the extended direct object.
Equipment - a noun, common, countable, derivative, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the extended direct object.
And – a conjunction, coordinating, simple.
Systems - a noun, common, countable, derivative, in plural, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the direct object.
On - a preposition, simple.
The – an article, definite.
Orlan – a noun, proper, in common case, of neuter gender, simple, expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of place.
Drilling - a noun, common, uncountable, derivative, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of place.
Rig –a noun, common, countable, simple, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender.
On the Orlan Drilling Rig expresses the function of the extended adverbial modifier of place.
Article – a noun, common, countable, simple, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the subject.
2 - a cardinal numeral, expresses the function of attribute.
Scope – a noun, common, countable, simple, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the predicate.