Контрольная работа: Перевод в профессиональной сфере
Rig – a noun, common, countable, in singular, simple, in common case, of neuter gender.
Of a certain drilling rig expresses the function of extended prepositional indirect object.
In connection with –a preposition, group.
Company’s –a noun, common, countable, in singular, in possessive case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of cause.
Oil – a noun, common, uncountable, simple, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of cause.
And – a conjunction, coordinating, simple.
Gas – a noun, common, uncountable, simple, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of cause.
Operations – a noun, common, countable, derivative, in plural, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object in the extended adverbial modifier of cause.
In connection with Company’s oil and gas operations expresses the function of the extended adverbial modifier of cause.
In – a preposition, simple.
Sakhalin –a noun, proper, in common case, of neuter gender.
Island – a noun, common, countable, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender.
In Sakhalin Island expresses the function of the adverbial modifier of place.
Article – a noun, common, countable, simple, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the subject.
1 – a cardinal numeral, expresses the function of attribute.
Subject - a noun, common, countable, simple, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the predicate.
Of - a preposition, simple.
The – an article, definite.
Contract - a noun, common, countable, simple, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender.
Of the contract expresses the function of prepositional indirect object.
Contractor – a noun, common, countable, derivative, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the subject.
Shall - a verb, modal, defective.
Participate - a verb, notional, non-finite, regular, intransitive, derivative, in Indicative mood, Active Voice, Indefinite Infinitive.
Shall participate expresses the function of the compound verbal predicate.
In – a preposition, simple.
Installation – a noun, common, countable, derivative, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender.
In installation expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object.
Start up – a verb, compound, notional, non-finite, regular, transitive, in Indicative mood, Active Voice, Indefinite Infinitive.
Shall start up expresses the function of the compound verbal predicate.