Курсовая работа: Problem of sraff personnel adaptation
8. Economic forces
After this program of orientation could be carried out the special program.
The standard of adaptation can assume also testing of beginners for adaptation in group, which allows to reveal one of the three types of behaviour of the individual in group: "individualisticheskim", "pragmatical" or "collectivistic".
In the functionary regulations of the expert on adaptation of the personnel there are many duties, which the expert should be able to do and to control.
The functionary regulations consist of the general part, purposes, functions, information, rights, responsibility, and additions and changes.
In this chapter was shown the possible plan and schedule of introduction of the project for the Publishing House «Prapor» in 2008 year.
And we can notice that the plan of preparation of the personnel to introduction of the project should correspond on terms and a set of actions to the schedule of introduction of the project.
During course paper we have tried to find the cause of problem of adaptation of personal at the base enterprise - the Publishing House "Prapor", and we have considered that this problem based on modern approaches to systems of adaptation of the staff. Work pursues the purposes of creation of effective system of adaptation in the organization providing decrease of turnover of staff, growth of labour productivity, motivation, social guarantees for the personnel. Overall objectives of work can be named:
· decrease in negative labour parameters due to formation of corporate labour culture and healthy competition during work;
· maintenance of manufacture with qualified personnel;
· development of the mechanism of adaptation of the personnel to collective and process of work;
· the general increase of efficiency of activity of the base enterprise, etc.
In our opinion, the positive result from introduction can achieve in a year after the beginning of corresponding actions. Summing up it is necessary to note, that adaptation is social process of development by the person but-howl a labour situation when the person and the labour environment actively cooperate with each other. It has complex structure and represents unity of different kinds of adaptation socially-psychological, political and cultural and community. Efficiency of mental adaptation depends on the organization of microsocial interaction. At disputed situations in family or industrial sphere, difficulties in construction of informal dialogue of infringement of mechanical adaptation were marked much more often, than at effective social interaction.
Also the analysis of factors of the certain environment or an environment, the Estimation of personal qualities of associates directly is connected with adaptation as factor involving in overwhelming majority of cases the estimation of the same qualities as factor pushing away - with its infringements was combined with effective mental adaptation. But not only the analysis of factors of an environment defines a level of adaptation and emotional intensity. It is necessary to consider also individual qualities, a condition of a direct environment and feature of group in which microsocial interaction is carried out.
Effective mental adaptation represents one of preconditions to successful professional work. In professional administrative activity stressful situations can be created by dynamism of events, necessity of fast decision-making, a mismatch between specific features, a rhythm and character of activity. The factors promoting occurrence of emotional stress in these situations, can be insufficiency of the information, its discrepancy, an excessive variety or monotony, an assessment of works as exceeding opportunity of an individual on volume or a degree of complexity, inconsistent or uncertain requirements, critical circumstances or risk at decision-making. The important factors improving mental adaptation in professional groups, are social unity, ability to build interpersonal attitudes, an opportunity of the open communications.
In connection with the aforesaid becomes obvious, that without researches of mental adaptation there will be incomplete a consideration of any problem of mental discrepancy, and the analysis of the described aspects of adaptable process is represented an integral part of psychology of the person. Thus, the problem of mental adaptation represents the important area of scientific researches located on a joint of various branches of knowledge, getting in modern conditions all greater value. In this connection the adaptable concept can be considered as one of perspective approaches to complex studying the person.
The personal potential of the worker is closely connected with adaptation as set of the certain features and qualities of the worker. The personal potential characterizes internal physical and spiritual energy of the person, its active position.
However adaptation passes more quickly and more successfully if the trade is correctly chosen. Professional selection is carried out in two stages. On first stage, on the basis- results of supervision, interrogations, testing, also the professional program is made. At the second stage bents, social, psychological displays of the young man are studied.
Purpose of our course paper was to research the problem of adaptation of personal and to show how to avoid this problem, by example of the Publishing House "Prapor”. We have drawn a conclusion that this problem is present at all kinds of business. And it is very important to sovle it at the beginning of it origin.
For management of process of adaptation and career at the enterprise on again acted young worker the special card of adaptation and professional promotion is made. It helps to trace professional and qualifying changes of the worker and to operate this process.
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