Курсовая работа: Teaching sentence structure

Signal words

Certain words signal that particular parts of speech will follow.

Words That Signal Verbs. Auxiliaries like may, can, will, could signal verbs. Words like he, it, or they also signal verbs. Read the word aloud, placing he, it, or they before it, and if the expression makes sense, the word can be used as a verb.


prep. n. adj. adj. n. v. prep. adj. n. conj. v.

In 1811 the first steamboat sailed down the Mississippi and inaugurated

adj. adj. n. prep. n.

a new era in navigation.


A.1. The New Orleans left an enthusiastic crowd in Pittsburgh and headed into the Ohio River.

2. The boat stopped frequently along the way and received the congratulations of settlers along the river.

3. Most people still doubted the practicality of the steamboat.

4. After a suspenseful delay the boat successfully sailed through the dangerous rapids in the river at Louisville.

5. After this success the crew endured severe earthquakes and pursuit by warlike Indians.

6. Roots, stumps, and channels shifted during the turbulent quakes.

7. A fire destroyed part of the forward cabin.

8. Despite the setbacks, the New Orleans finally reached Natchez.

B. 1. The New Orleans later foundered on a stump.

2. Other steamboats soon appeared and dominated river traffic.

3. Great expense was lavished on cabins and fittings.

4. Captains took pride in the speed of their vessels.

5. Steamboat races were officially discouraged but were unofficially encouraged.

6. Boiler explosions plagued operations from the earliest days.

7. In early years the boats were constructed without plans.

8. The famous Robert E. Lee was built by this rule-of-thumb method.


SPECIFIC NOUNS Use vigorous, specific nouns.

We surprised a bird and an animal near the pond.

2. Avoid lazy, vague, «thingy» substitutes for clear thinking.

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