Курсовая работа: Teaching sentence structure

Adverbs not only answer the questions «When?» «Where?» «How?’ «Why?» «How much?» and «How often?» but also help to ask questions.

Where and when did Oliver Hazard Perry defeat the British navy?

Many adverbs and some adjectives end in ly.

To the tune of a lively polka the dancers whirled merrily about the hall.

(Lively is an adjective modifying polka. Merrily is an adverb modifying whirled.)

The extremely important meeting was quite poorly attended.

Adverbs are placed on slant lines under the words they modify. The adverb extremely modifies the adjective important. The adverb poorly modifies the verb was attended. The adverb quite modifies the adverb poorly.

If two or more words are used as a single unit, check the dictionary to see if the group is given as a separate entry. If so, diagram the group as though it were one word. Examples of such groups are Bay of Fundy, Siamese cat, and post office.

PREPOSITION A preposition shows the relation of the noun or pronoun following it to some other word in the sentence.

About seventy words may be used as prepositions: about, above, across, after, against, along, among, etc.

The story of Los Angeles begins with a Portuguese sea captain in the employ of Spain.

A preposition may be two or more words.

According to by means of in regard to on account of

Ahead of by way of in spite of out of

Because of in front of instead of up of

OBJECT OF PREPOSITION The noun or pronoun after a preposition is the object of the preposition.

In 1542 Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo sailed up the west coast of Mexico to San Pedro Bay.

PHRASE A phrase is a group of related words not containing a subject and a predicate.

Phrases may be used as nouns, adjectives or adverbs.

PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE consists of a preposition and its object, which may or may not have modifiers.

A prepositional phrase is ordinary used like an adjective or an adverb.

One of California’s most prosperous missions was built near the present site of Los Angeles.

A preposition is placed on a slant line, and its object is put on a horizontal line joined to the slant line. Nouns and pronouns in the possessive case (see California’s) are used like adjectives.

PRACTICE 4 Identifying Parts of speech.

Diagram the following sentences.

OR Copy the following sentences, skipping every other line. Underline the simple subject once and the predicate verb twice. Write adj. over every adjective and adv. Over every adverb. Enclose prepositional phrases in parentheses.

Example: Berea College is located in a beautiful town in central Kentucky.


1. Visitors at the college walk along tree-shaded lanes to the various workshops of the college.

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