Курсовая работа: Teaching sentence structure

3. Students work at various activities for ten hours during each weak.

4. The profitable enterprises help with college expenses.

5. A beautiful hotel in town is owned by the college.

6. Student waitresses serve in the cheerful dining room.

7. Other students work busily at administrative jobs in the hotel.

8. A dairy farm is operated by the students.

9. Excellent baked goods are distributed throughout a large area.

10. Clever toys are sold in local shops.

11. Furniture of superior quality is turned out by student craftsmen.

12. Cooperative education has prospered for a century at Berea College.

CONJUNCTION A connects words or groups of words.

Conjunction is from conjugate, a Latin word meaning «to join together»

Conjunctions, unlike prepositions, do not have objects.

A natural ice mine in Pennsylvania forms ice in the spring and summer but never in the winter months.)[2]

Before the Revolutionary War, Kentucky and Tennessee were known to the Indians as the Middle Ground or the Dark and Bloody Ground. (And connects Kentucky with Tennessee. Or connects as the Middle Ground with the Dark and Bloody Ground. And connects dark with bloody.)

1. Shell heaps, village sites, and stone implements were left in the eastern United States by prehistoric Asiatic migrants.

The conjunction and is placed on a broken line between the words it connects. The x indicates that a conjunction is understood.

2. For several generations their descendants lived along the riverbanks and subsisted on fish, small game, roots, and nuts.

The conjunction and connects the verbs lived and subsisted. The prepositional phrases for several generations are attached to the single predicate line because it modifies both verbs. Notice the diagramming of the four objects of the same preposition.


Conjunctions used in pairs are called paired conjunctions, or correlatives: both… and; either… or; neither… nor; not only… but also.

Both archaeologists and anthropologists have speculated about these people.

Neither the wheel nor the horse was known to the prehistoric Indians.

Neither and nor are correlative conjunctions and are placed between the words they connect. Notice how neither is joined to nor.

INTERJECTION An interjection is a word or form of speech that expresses strong or sudden feeling.

An interjection has no grammatical connection with the rest of the sentence.

Look! This Indian pipe is made in the form of a man’s figure. Oh, don’t touch it!

A WORD AS DIFFERENT PARTS OF SPEECH to find the part of speech of a word, always ask you the question «What does the word do in the sentence?»


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