Курсовая работа: Teaching sentence structure

7. neither-adjective, conjunction, pronoun

8. down-adverb, noun, preposition, verb

9. round – adjective, noun, preposition, verb

10. fair – adjective, adverb, noun


Three excellent clues to part of speech are (1) position in the sentence, (2) endings, and (3) signal words.


Verbs. The verb occurs in an important position in the structure of a sentence. What you already know about English sentence structure will help you identify verbs.

The basketball player-down the court.

Where did you – the camera?

Any word you supply is a verb: ran, dribbled; leave, put.

Of course many words that can be used as verb are also used as other parts of speech – for example, fall down (verb) a sudden fall (noun). Example the entire sentence before trying to determine part of speech.

Nouns. Most nouns make a meaningful pattern with is or are at the beginning of a sentence.

Desk is friends are

Nouns often precede verbs: trees grow, student read, Jim hopes.

Of course many words that can be used as nouns are used also as other parts of speech-for example, brown thread, (noun), thread the needle (verb). A word is probable a noun if it completes a pattern like one of these:

– cannot live in polluted waters.

Near the – we found a–with a–

Adjectives: Most adjectives readily fit into three common position in the sentence: the normal, the predicate, and the appositive positions. A word is probably an adjective if it completes one of the following patterns:

Normal position Two–boys caught a–fish in the – stream.

Predicate Susan is usually –.

Appositive position: The coach, – and–, spoke proudly to his winning team.

Adverbs. Most words that fit into more than one place in a sentence are adverbs. Emphasis frequently determines placement.

Cheerfully the hostess greeted her arriving guests.

The hostess greeted her arriving guests cheerfully.

The hostess cheerfully greeted her arriving guests.

Carl lifted his hand – and moved his rook.

Or: Carl–lifted his hand and moved his rook.


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