Курсовая работа: Teaching sentence structure

OTHER WORDS BEFORE SUBJECT Frequently a portion of the complete predicate precedes the subject. Other words before subject In1889 the first movie. Film was produced in America by Thomas A. Edison.

Natural order. The first movie film was produced in America by Thomas A. Edison in 1889.

ARRANGEMENT FOR STILE Often a portion of the predicate verb can be placed before the complete subject for emphasis, for joining the sentence to the preceding sentence, or for improving the rhythm of the passage in which it occurs.

(Use this device for emphasis only sparingly.)

Emphasis That will never forget. (I will never forget that.)

Sentence rhythm: Suddenly and without warning, the panther leaped suddenly without warning upon the deer).

PRACTICE 2 Rearranging for stile

Rearrange each of the following sentences for increased emphasis or improvement in sentence rhythm.

SIMPLE SENTENCE A simple sentence has one subject and one predicate, either or both of which may be compound.

Compound Subject: Seagoing cutthroats and thieves once hid along the Carolina coast.

Compound predicate: Blackbeard tarred and caulked his boats in Oracoke Inlet.

Compound Subject and Compound Predicate In 1718 Blackbeard and Srese Bonnet blockaded Charleston and captured five ships.

PRACTICE 3 Finding Subject and Verbs

Copy the following sentences, arranging inverted sentences in their natural order. Rearrange also those sentences that have any part of the predicate before the subject. Then draw one line the under the predicate verb. Separate the complete subject from the complete predicate with a vertical line. Place all modifiers of the verb after the vertical line.

Example: During the Twenties was born the luxurious movie place.

The luxurious movie place was born during the Twenties.


1. In city after city there arose some of the most lavish building of all time.

2. Can you visualize imitation Assyrian temples, Chinese pagodas, Italian palaces?

3. Really, words cannot do justice to the magnificence of these structures.

4. Highly ornamental and spacious were the colorful interiors.

5. In many theaters moonlit skies, twinkling stars, and drifting clouds soothed the air – conditioned customers and transported them to another world.

6. IN a few of these «atmospheric» paradises, special dawn and sunset effect delighted the moviegoers.

7. Unbelievable was the word for these giant buildings.

8. The Roxy Theater in New York had 6214 seats and room for 110 musicians in the pit of the orchestra.

9. A huge carpet covered the rotunda and required the services of many persons for maintenance.

10. Each evening the ushers had a changing-of-guard ceremony of considerable intricacy and split-second precision.

11. Have these elaborate showpieces survived changing tastes and habits?

12. Unfortunately, most have been demolished and have been replaced with supermarkets, garages, and parking lots.

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