Курсовая работа: Teaching sentence structure

MODIFIER A modifier is a word or expression that makes clearer or limits the meaning of another word.

For further help see Teacher’s Manual.

George Washington planned one of the first American canals. (the first American canals is more limited than canals. The, first, and American modify canals.)

Canalboats were drawn by sturdy mules. (Were drawn by sturdy mules is different from were drawn. By sturdy mules modifies were drawn.)

Complete Subject The complete subject is the simple subject with its modifiers.

A windmill on Nantucket still grinds cornmeal.

COMPLETE PREDIDICATE The complete predicate is the predicate verb its modifiers and the words that complete its meaning.

Words which complete the meaning of a verb are complements or completers. Ordinarily every word in a simple sentence belongs either to the complete subject or the complete predicate.

Windmills were once a common sights along the Massachusetts coasts (The vertical line separates the complete subject from the complete predicate. The complete subject is underline once and the predicate verb twice.)

The first copper coins in the colonies were minted by John Higley at Simsbury, Connecticut.

1.Find the verb.

2.Ask «Who?» or «What?» before the verb. Your answer is the simple subject.

3.Find all the words attached to the subject. This step gives you the complete subject.

4.Everything else is the complete predicate.

PRACTICE 1 Expanding Complete Subject and Complete predicates.

Expand each of the italicized subjects and predicates by adding colorful, exact modifiers.

Example: The rain came.

The prayed-for rain came with the crack of thunder and the persistent tattoo of raindrops as big as marbles.

INVERTED ORDER A sentence is inverted when the verb, or part of it, precedes the subject.

In most English sentences the subject precedes the verb.

Inverted order. Along the Hudson River are found reminders of our Dutch heritage.

Reminders of our Dutch heritage are found along the Hudson River.

Was the first elementary school in the United States on Staten Island?

Natural order. The first elementary school in the United States was on Staten Island.

THERE When there begins a sentence in invented order, it is not the subject and does not modify anything.

There is never the subject and doesn`t add anything to the meaning.

Inverted order. There were English settlers in New England before the Pilgrims.

Natural order English settlers were in New England before the Pilgrims.

OVERDOING THERE. Don’t overuse there.

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