Курсовая работа: The Definite Article with Class Nouns in English and in French
With uncountable nouns, the function of the definite article can be called restricting.
The definite article restricts the material denoted by a concrete uncountable noun to a definite quantity, portion or to a definite locality (a); it also restricts the abstract notion expressed by an uncountable noun to a particular instance (b).
e.g. a) As we came out into the cold damp air, she shivered.
b) The work seemed to consist chiefly on interviewing young women for jobs in department stores.
We are mostly concerned in the functions of the definite article with countable nouns. Thus, we learned that the definite article has two functions with countable nouns: individualized and generic functions. In the first case it distinguishes one object from the others of the same kind, in the second it serves to present an object instead of the whole class as compared to other classes.
2.2 The functions of the definite article in French
1) Speaking about the French definite article it should be known that it serves to indicate a specific noun.
Je vais à la banque. Voici le livre que j'ai lu.
I'm going to the bank. Here is the book I read.
Thus the first function of the French definite article is demonstrative function.
2) Besides its demonstrative meaning it has a possessive meaning:
Alexandre se frotta les yeux avec le revers du pouce, et porta les mains à ses reins. (R. Merle)
Alex wiped his eyes with the back of his thumb, and put his hands on his loins.
From this example is clearly seen that the French use the definite article instead of possessive pronouns in English.
3) the meaning of generalization.
e.g. L’homme est plutôt un animal bienveillant quand il n’est ni jaloux ni inquiet.(A. Maurois) – Man is rather a well-wishing animal when he is neither jealous nor anxious.
We can observe the difference in using the definite article in English and French. In French sentence we have the noun used with the definite article in its generalizing function. The noun in English variant is not used with the definite article as in this case the noun man has a generic sense and no article is used.
4) distributive meaning.
e.g. … Nous ne pouvons vous racheter cela à plus de deux cents francs le mètre .
We can’t buy it more than two hundreds francs per meter.
The definite article used in French sentence is translated by the term per in English with the meaning of each.
5) It can indicate a usual fact that is repeated regularly.
e.g. Comme ça doit vous assommer de vous habiller devant elle, le matin.
Thus you have to assume that you have to dress up before her every morning.
In this example le matin has the meaning of every morning that is why we translate it in English with the indefinite adjective every.
6) Before cardinal numerals it can designate approximation in the meaning of “about”. This refers to the cases when the definite article precedes such nouns as heure (hour), ans, années (years), mois (month), etc.
e.g. Elle avais un visage si clair, un peau si tendre ; elle était bien jolie dans sa robe rose et menue, elle pouvait avoir dans les huit ans.
She had a bright face, a gentle skin, she was beautiful in her fine pink dress, and she was about eight years.
The definite article used in French is translated by the preposition about in the meaning of imprecise number.