Курсовая работа: The Definite Article with Class Nouns in English and in French

Note 2: The definite article is used with a singular class noun modified by other if there are only two objects of the same description.

e. g. He pulled on the other glove and said he would run along to his office.

The definite article is used with a plural class noun modified by other if there is a definite number of objects divided into two definite groups.

e. g. My mother needed me more than the other members of the family.

Alongside to these kinds of adjectives proposed by Gordon Barmina and Verkhovskaya give one more case of the use of the definite article with class nouns modified by the adjectives that are postposed, i.e. they can follow the noun they qualify. Postposition is characteristic for such adjectives and adjectivized participles as absent, present, proper, involved, concerned and some others that function as limiting attributes.

e. g. The delegates present discussed the agenda of the conference.

2) The use of the definite article with class nouns modified by numerals.

If a class noun modified by a cardinal numeral is used with the definite article, this is accounted for by the situation or context.

e. g. By candlelight the two men seemed of an age if indeed not of the same family.

Ordinal numerals are usually limiting attributes, so the nouns they precede are used with definite article.

e.g. “It’s the fourth room down the corridor,” the clerk said.

Note 1: This rule does not apply to the numeral the first. The combination a first night and a

first prize are to be regarded as set phrases.

Note 2: It is important to remember the use of articles in the following patterns with nouns

Modified by cardinal and ordinal numerals: the third chapter but chapter 3 (three), the fifth page but page 5 (five).

3) The use of the definite article with class nouns modified by participles.

The definite article can be used with class nouns modified by participles but it is usually accounted for by the context or the general situation.

e.g. At the corner of the street there shone the lighted windows of a club.

4) The use of the definite article with class nouns modified by ing-forms when they have the limiting meaning.

e.g. He took the path leading to the lonely cottage.

5) The use of the definite article with class nouns modified by infinitives.

Attributes expressed by infinitives tend to be descriptive and the nouns modified by them are used with the indefinite article. Yet, sometimes, depending on the general situation or context, the infinitive may become a limiting attribute. Thus, the definite article is used.

e.g. “May be he is the man to ask about work,” she thought.

6) The use of the definite article with class nouns modified by clauses.

According to Gordon nouns can be modified by two kinds of clauses – attributive and appositive. As appositive clauses modify only certain abstract nouns we are not going to discuss them. But as for the attributive clauses Gordon divides them into non-defining clauses and defining clauses. Non-defining clauses are those that can be removed from the sentence without destroying its meaning. They are marked by a pause separating them from the principal clause. In writing they may be separated by a comma. Non-defining clauses are always descriptive and in the majority of cases are used with the indefinite article.

Defining clauses are so closely connected with the antecedent that they cannot be left out without destroying the meaning of the sentence. There is no pause between this kind of clause and the principal clause, and in writing they are never marked off by comma. Defining attributes may be limiting or descriptive, depending on situation or context.

Barmina and Verkhovskaya do not give such a classification for the clauses. They say that the attributive clauses may be limiting or descriptive.

Anyway, all the linguists come to the conclusion that when the attributive clauses are limiting, the definite article is used with the antecedent.

e.g. He took the cigarette that Robert offered him.

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