Курсовая работа: The Definite Article with Class Nouns in English and in French

Le bronze est un alliage de cuivre et d’étain.

Bronze is an alloy of copper and of tin.

Thus we see a considerable difference between the notion of class nouns in English and noms concrets in French: the nouns of material also belong to the group of class nouns in French that is not observed in English. So there are differences in the usage of the definite article with class nouns in English and French. Another example of the different usage of the definite article in English and French can be:

L'essence est très chère en France. Gas is very expensive in France.
J'aime la glace, le chocolat et le gâteau. I like ice cream, chocolate, and cake.

These sentences are good examples of the fact when the definite article is used in French with nouns in their general sense whereas in English the given nouns belong to the group of material nouns and they do not get any article when used in general sense.

2. Before concrete nouns which designate a sort.

L’hirondelle est l’avant-coureur du printemps.

The swallow is the spring forerunner.

This example coincides with the English variant when the definite article is used with the nouns in their generic sense.

3. Before concrete nouns in plural for designating the totality of the objects.

Et la foule de rire, surtout les enfants et les jeunes filles. (By this example the French mean that all the girls and all the children enter to this crowd.)

And the laughing crowd, especially the children and the girls.

4. Before the nouns that are unique : soleil (sun), lune (moon), ciel (sky), horizon (horizon) in case they are not individualized. The same case of the use we find in English as well.

La terre est verte à perte de vue.

The earth is green far and wide.

5. Before the nouns that indicate a certain object.

A noun can be determined by:

a) the context :

Comme Luc arrivait devant l’Abîme, il aperçut à l’angle du pont de bois, deux figures noires et chétives. Son coeur se serra. C’était une femme, l’air très jeune, pauvrement vêtue, et c’était un enfant , de six ans environ à peine couvert, la face pâle, qui se tenait dans ses jupes. Comme Luc s’était arrête à quelques pas de la jeune femme et de l’enfant, il entendit ce dernier qui disait ...

This sentence presents an example of the use of the definite article when it points out a noun determined by the context.

b) the situation in the given circumstances: the interlocutors are familiar with the persons and the objects they are speaking about:

Où peut-il être? Au réfectoire, à la sale de lecture?

Where can he be? Is he in the dining room or in the reading room? (The interlocutors speak about the rooms of the building where they are.)

c) a noun can be determined by the attributive which is expressed by a noun or infinitive used with preposition de:

Esmeralda se dirigea, à travers les spectateurs ébahis, vers la porte de la maison où Phoebus l’appelait, à pas lents, chancelante, et avec le regard troublé d’un oiseau qui cède à la fascination d’un serpent .

Esmeralda made her way through the perplexed audience towards the door of the house where Phoebus was calling her, she went slowly and her look was troubled as of a bird that yielded to the snake’s fascination.

“…towards the door of the house where Phoebus was calling her” stands for ‘…vers la porte de la maison où Phoebus l’appelait’ . In this case the usage of the definite article coincides in both languages. In English it is the case of a prepositional phrase, namely of-phrase which requires the use of the definite article.

d) sometimes a noun can be determined by a relative clause:

J’ai acheté le livre que tu m’avais recommandé.

I bought the book that you recommended me.

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