Реферат: Реалізація формуючої індивідуалізації навчання монологічного мовлення учнів старших класів ліцеїв

Дані завдання можуть бути запропоновані на першому етапі формування ІС, де учні повинні усвідомити, що вони очикують від даного курсу; що таке процес навчання, і які необхідні дії для ефективного вивчення іноземної мови.

На другому етапі учням необхідно визначити, які існують стилі навчання, який стиль навчання у них уже сформувався і якому вони надають перевагу. Для цього ми пропонуємо такі завдання.

Завдання 1. Here is information about different learning styles and try to deside which of them suit you most of all. There can be not the only one.

Individual learning styles have been categorised in various ways. The classification below represent some of these ways, and we can see how learning styles link with activities.

Sensory preference

Visual learners

These learners learn best when they can see things:

they like to have things wtitten down

they respond well to pictures

they like using books and taking notes.

Auditory learners

These learners find it easier to learn when they hear explanations:

they enjoy listening to tapes or to the teacher.

they like making tape recordings of what they are learning.

Physical or kinaesthetic learners

These learners need to be actively involved in doing a task in order to learn easily:

they often like to move around and find it boring to sit still

they will probably enjoy role plays or handling physical objects.

they like a variety of classroom activity and actively participate in them.


Concrete learners

These learners like hands-on, practical activity:

they will learn something if it has a purpose

they enjoy games, simulations and role plays and are experimental by nature.

Abstract learners

These learners are happy with theory and may be good at thinking rationally and logically:

they enjoy ideas and learn well through books

they may be good at reading and writing and less inclined to more practical exercises.


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