Реферат: Стилистический компонент слова и его лексикографическое отражение
tdmk - a trademark, whose use is officially controlled
These labels serve mainly special colloquial vocabulary the label nonstandard differs from the notion that the layer nonstandard has, because both dial and taboo belong to nonstandard, though from the other hand, from the educated point of view of the words with labels taboo & dial. may be regarded as incorrect. The label tdmk may be treated as a special term & thus may belong to common literary vocabulary. As the analyses shows the classification of the labels accepted in this dictionary is not exact and needs more consideration, though the labels themselves are quite suitable to show stytistical characterization & stylistical overtones.The variety of labels used in LDELC we shall consider farther in the third part.
OALED suggests a bit different grouping of the stylistic notations (Appendix II)
1. Currency, labels denoting words which are not used or used by some older speaker s & some words that are found mainly in books written in the first half of thi s century: dated archaic .
2. Region, labels denoting words which restricted to one country or area
Brit US Scot S.African Austr NZ
Here belongs dial - the label that refers to words & meanings that are restricted to particular regions of the British Isles not including Scotland & Ireland. So this very dictionary uses the label dial mainly as territorial characteristic of British Isles, though still belonging to special colloquial vocabulary.
3. Register, labels denoting words which must be used with particular care because they reflect a special relatioship between the speakers or a special occasion or setting (which could vary from an official ceremony to a relaxed meeting between friends)
! - denotes words or meanings likely to be thought offencive or shocking or indecert. (though not necessarily by eveyone or on every occasion)
In LDELC they use the label
taboo to denote such a group of words to show limitations on use.
s l -this label denotes a group of words inventive & often colourful items generally used in a very informal spoken context. Such an item usually belongs to or originate in the language of a particular social or occupation group (e.g. soldiers, nurses, prisoner s).
In LDELC this label has practically the same meaning but is found in the other group of labels which deals with the situations and often this label is used with the label taboo in fml - de notes i nformal w ords & meanings, i. e. t ho se i ndicati ng a clos e pers onal relationship & an unofficial occasion or getting
fml - denotes formal words & meanings , i.e. t hose chosen when speaking or writing in a serious or an official context to someone who is not a close friend or relation. These labels are grouped together with the label s l in LDELC.
rhet - rhetorical items are associated with writing or speech on se ri ous or elevated themes, especially on very formal occasions. the use of such words elsewhere suggests a self-consciously pompous speaker or writer.
There is no such a label in LDELC, but this very label juxtapose with the label rhet in LE RD & ERD. Thus we may infer that this group of labels denote the words belonging to practical l y all the layers of the word-stock of the English Language. (Appendix IV,VI).
4. Evaluation, labels denoting a particular attitude towards the person, thing or action referred to.
derog - that one desapprovse of or scorns the person or thing referred to or described by those.
approv - the opposite of derogatory ones, they suggest approval of or admiration for the thing or person referred to or described.
offensiv e - words to address or refer to people usually with the delibarate intention of their race or religion
eup h - to refer to something unpleasant or painful in a pleasant (because more indirect) way.
In LDELC the label derog is opposed to the label apprec & there is no such a label as appr ov . The label offe nsiv e is not presented in this dictionary.
iron - the label denotes words that are intended to convey a sense opposite to the apparent sense.
fig - a figurative sense of a word is a non -literal (often metaforical) sense which can be related by native speakers to an original in the past, but it is no longer perceived, the label is not u sed.
The label iron is not given in LDELC, the label f ig though represented in this dictionary, is not considered as the stylistical one .
joc - label, denoting words which are considered to be funny, whethergrim or innocent humor is meant. This label is close to humor LDELC though they are still different,
sexsist - label denotes words that express (sometimes uncontious) discriminatory or patronizing attitude towards someone of the opposite sex. They are almost always words used by men about or to women & can be used to express approval in a man-to-man context
Thi s label is rather new and modern and it is connected with the woman's movement. In LDELC this label is absent.
5. Technical fields - words & meanings which are normaly confined to technical use botany