Реферат: Стилистический компонент слова и его лексикографическое отражение


law physics

medical art

anat my cinema or TV

grammar computing


The terms covering the technical fields are more wild e ly represented in OALED than in LDELC. In LDELC we find the labels law, med, naut, tech, denoting the technical fields & belonging to the group, which shows special fields or subjects. The label tech covers all the labels which are not represented in LDELC, but are widly used in OALED.

If the classifications of labels in LDELC & OALED are close to each other somehow, we can't say the same of WNCD. This Dictionary differentiate three types of status labels. They are temporal, regional & stylistic. The stylistic labels are con sidered here as a signal that a word or a sense of a word is not part of the standard vocabulary of English . (Appendix III)

1 . The temporal label

obs - for obsolete - means that there i s no evidence of use since 1755.

archaic - means that a word or sense once in common use is found today only sporadically or in special contexts. The label obs is not used neither in LDELC nor in OALED.

Galperin I.R. gives the following definition of the word obsolete - is a group of archaic words that have already gone completely out of use bu t are still recogni zed by the English -speaking community,

2. Regional labels denote words which are limited in use to a specif ic region of the US. The labels here correspond loosely to one of the areas defined in Hans Kurath's Word Geography of the Ea stern United States. The adverb chiefly presents a label when the word has some currency outside the specified region & a double label is used to indicate considerable currency in each of two specific regions.

NewEng South chiefly North Southwest West Midland Northaest .

Words current in all regions of the US have no labels.

A word or meaning limited in use to one of the other countries of the English -speaking world has an appropriate regional label. It is explained by the fact that the Dictionary is based mainly on American English.

chiefly Scot Irish Austr SoAfr Brit Canad .

dial - this label belongs to this very group & indicates that the pattern of use of a word or a meaning is too complex for summary labeling, it usually includes several regional varieties of American English o r of American & British English.

dial Brit - indicates currency in several dialects of the British commonwealth; it indicates currency in one or more provincial dialects of England.

3. Stylistic labels

sl. - is u sed with words or meanings that are especially appropriate in contexts of extreme informality, that usually have a currency not limited to a particular region or area of interest, & that are composed typically of shortened forms or extravagant or facetious figures of speech.

non-standard - is used for a few words or meanings that are dissaproved by many but that have some currency in reputable contexts.

substandard — is used for those words or meanings that conform to a widespread pattern of usage that differs in choice of word or form f rom that of the prestige group of the community,

These labels given in WNCD differentiate two main groups of the word -stock of the English Language (which were considered above). But they don't p

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