Реферат: The analysis of the novel "A room with a view"

And Death shall have no dominion.

Dead men naked they shall be one

With men in the wind and the west moon;

When their bones are picked clean and the clean bones gone,

They shall have stars at elbow and foot;

Though they go mad they shall be sane,

Though they sink through the sea they shall rise again;

Though lovers be lost love shall not;

And Death shall have no dominion. The title of the poem forms its main theme. This is the heated argument of the poet with the Death. The sentence And Death Shall Have No Dominion is repeated twice – at the beginning and at the end of the poem. This repetition picks out the main idea of the poem and the other sentences become the development of this idea. Let’s considerate the first strophe in which the author says that the man joins with the nature after his death. The man’s situation at the moment of the death is very tragic but this tragedy will be overcome. The Death has no power over the man. It is well known that shall is not only the modal verb. In the modern English shall is the auxiliary verb of the Future Indefinite Tense. As a rule, shall keeps its modality when it is used in the Future

Indefinite Tense with the pronouns you, he, she, it, they.

But this rule is not kept strictly. In this poem shall is repeated eight times and by this fact it receives expressiveness and shows many modal opportunities. The poem is looks like the prediction and solemn promise. The special distribution in the context lets shall to express strongly the duty and the persistence. The expressiveness of shall in this poem is supported by the rich convergence. Besides the repetitions, there are the parallel constructions in the sixth, seventh and eithth lines and the antithesis of the light and the dull. For example: mad – sane, sink – rise.

We have considered the main means to express the emotions. The next chapter is devoted too the analysis of the emotional statements in the E.M.Forster’s novel.

Chapter 2. The emotional statements in the E.M.Forster’s novel “A room with a view”

emotion epithet forster trope

2.1 Some words about E.M.Forster

Edward Morgan Forster was born in London in 1879, attended Tonbridge school as a day boy, and went on to King’s College, Cambridge, in 1879. With King’s he had a lifelong connection and he was elected to an honorary fellowship in 1946.

E.M. Forster had honorary degrees conferred on him by many universities.

E.M. Forster used to declare that his life as a whole was not dramatic and he was unfailingly modest about his achievements. Interviewed by the B.B.C. on his eightieth birthday he said:

“I have not written as much as I’d like to… I write for two reasons: partly to make money and partly to win the respect of people whom I respect… I had better add that I am quite sure I am not a great novelist.”

Eminent critics and the general public have judged otherwise; in Penguins alone “A Passage to India” has sold well over three quarters of a millions copies.

In addition to his five famous novels and collection of short stories, E.M. Forster published about fourteen other works. They include two biographies; two books about Alexandria, the result of his sojourn there in the First World War, when he was with the Red Cross: a film script; and with Eric Crozier, the libretto for Britten’s opera Billy Budd.

A sixth novel, Maurice, written in 1914, which E.M. Forster would not allow to be published during his lifetime, has also been published in Penguins.

Edward Morgan Forster died in 1970.

2.2 The analysis of the novel “A room with a view”

The novel “A room with a view” is interesting from the point of view of the emotional content of the words.

For example, we found out many examples with the interjections. We can even say that this novel abounds in the interjections. The interjections in this novel express both the positive and negative emotions:

“Oh, but that is the word of a craven! And no, you are not, not, not to look at your Baedeker. Give it to me; I shan’t let you carry it.”

«О, но это слова труса! И нет, вам не надо, не надо, не надо смотреть на вашего Бэдкера. Дайтеэтомне; янепозволювамэтонести.»

“Oh, good gracious me!” said Lucy, suddenly collapsing and again seeing the whole of life in a new perspective.”

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