Топик: Экзаменационные билеты за 1 семестр 2001 года по предмету: Искусство речи на английском языке. Американский английский

91.Try to carry out a for / so test in the sentences:
He married her. She is very beautiful.

92.Try to carry out a for / so test in the sentences:
I have heard about this writer. He is famous.

93.Try to carry out a for / so test in the sentences:
I am very much interested in the subject. I will read the article.

94.Find the signals of argument(s) where possible:
Nothing can be done to improve the situation now. We can not deplete the forces, which are necessary to defend our own country.

95.Find the signals of argument(s) where possible:
Jane will probably drop out of the course, because he hasn't done a thing.

96.Find the signals of multiple argumentation in the following sentences:
Drunk driving is dangerous. Your reaction is slowed down when you are drunk. Besides, you can not adequately control the situation in this condition.

97.Find the signals of multiple argumentation in the following sentences:
Jim will certainly drop out of this language course. His attendance rate is low. Furthermore, he has no language abilities.

98.Find the signals of multiple argumentation in the following sentences:
She will not make a good teacher. She is intolerant to her students. Apart from this - she's said she does not like teaching.

99.Find the signals of multiple argumentation in the following sentences:
Computers can not substitute human teachers. Computers can only operate within their programs. What is even more important, they can never provide human communication, which is necessary in the learning process.

100.Find the signals of multiple argumentation in the following sentences:
I do not think she is Japanese. Her skin is too dark. Japanese don't usually have such dark skin.

101.Find the signals of multiple argumentation in the following sentences:
It could not have been Patrick. He does not know your phone number. Also, he never calls anybody so late.

102.Find the signals of multiple argumentation in the following sentences:
This textbook is not good for the course I teach. It is outdated. Another reason is - that it is designed for more advanced level.

103.Define the type of argumentation (multiple, simple, subordinate) in the following sentences where possible:
It is better to buy branded clothes than an obscure brand. You get value for money, for branded clothes keep their shape much longer.

104.Assess the type of argumentation.
You should not drink so much coffee in the evening, you will have insomnia.

105.Assess the type of argumentation.
Russian cars are not reliable. My father bought a new Lada, and it broke down three times during the first week.

106.Assess the type of argumentation.
Smoking causes miscarriage. Dr. Matthew Jones told me that last week.

107.Assess the type of argumentation.
Frank has 25 years' driving experience. He is an excellent driver.

108.Assess the type of argumentation.
We should all cooperate with the police, this would facilitate their job and lower the crime rate.

109.Assess the type of argumentation.
The weather forecast announced that it will be slippery tomorrow. I think will go by subway, instead of driving.

110.Assess the type of argumentation.
I never let my wife drive when it is slippery. She will sure get into an accident.

111.Assess the type of fallacy:
Don't ask George for legal advice. How can you listen to someone who has broken more laws than one could know?

112.Assess the type of fallacy:
- This computer is not really cheap.
-I would not say it is expensive. Look at the other brands.

113.Assess the type of fallacy:
Listen, you all should work harder. You don't want those guys from Poole and
Kent to beat you, do you?

114.Translate into English: правдоподобный

115.Translate into English: заблуждение, ложныйвывод

116.Translate into English: основныепонятия

117.Translate into Russian: This statement should be proven.

118.Translate into English: количествоикачество

119.Translate into English: типаргументации

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