Топик: Экзаменационные билеты за 1 семестр 2001 года по предмету: Искусство речи на английском языке. Американский английский

121.Translate into English: безработица

122.Translate into English: Он курит много, как и его отец.

123.Translate into English: защищатьклиентов

124.Translate into English: общиезнание

125.Translate into English: болеетого

126.Translate into English: сомневаться

127.Translate into Russian: subordinate argumentation

128.Translate into Russian: multiple argumentation

129.Translate into Russian: considering the fact

130.Translate into Russian: to outline facts

131.Translate into Russian: to justify the conclusion

132.Translate into Russian: masked argumentation

133.Complete the sentence:
A question stating a problem or a situation, the main question that should be answered in the course of your report is called _________________.

134.Complete the sentence:
The first stage of the research is called ________ ________.

135.Complete the sentence:
The main types of reports are _______, ________ and ________.

136.Complete the sentence:
Gathering and interpretation of data, facts and figures are the most important activities in purely ________ ________.

137.Complete the sentence:
The definition of the problem should be stated in _____________.

138.Complete the sentence:
The components of a definition of a problem are:

139.Complete the sentence:
A diagram that, by means of its branches, indicates the relationships between pieces of information is ... .

140.Complete the sentence:
Paragraphing a text can be regarded as a part of... .

141.Answer the question:
How many principles of classification per joint should be used in a tree diagram?

142.Answer the question:
What is the classification based on time principle especially useful for?

143.Complete the sentence:
Every start of a new branch in a tree diagram is called ...

144.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: nevertheless -

145.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: that is why -

146.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: after this -

147.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: in brief -

148.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: for example -

149.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: provided -

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