Учебное пособие: Переводческий анализ

- payments for shipments of goods or services provided by the Trustee;

- payments of penalties and/or interest that the Trustee must pay to itscreditors;

- payments of other invoices that the Trustee must pay to its creditors.

c) The use of the amounts of the Trustee transferred to «X» account orother accounts according to clause 2a. of this Contract for the purchaseof property, goods and services in accordance with orders andspecifications provided by the Trustee.

3. «X» has the right:

a) to collect a commission of one per cent (1%) out of amounttransferred to the Trustee as stipulated in clause 2a. of this Contract.

b) to collect the following expenses borne by «X», connected with theexecution of the Trustee's orders:

- bank charges:

- legal fees:

- fees for third party sendees, if the principle of these fees waspreviously approved by «Trustee».

c) to demand at the Trustee's order and from the Trustee's name theliabilities due from the Trustee's order and from the Trustee's name theliabilities due from the Trustees debtors, in accordance with legalregulations.

d) to transfer at the Trustee s order the appropriate amounts of money tocreditors by means and in currency previously agreed upon with thesecreditors.

2. Terms of the Contract

4._______________________________________________ The Contract comes into effect as from_______________________________________ and is validup to .

5. The Contract may be cancelled by either party with 90 days previousnotice.


6. «X» is liable towards the Trustee for damages resulting from fraudand gross negligence by its personnel within the limits of the amountsof money received in accordance with clause 2a. of the presentContract.

7. Rights, liabilities and responsibility of the parties shall be subject toand governed by Swiss Law.

4. Notices

8. All Trustee's orders connected with the execution of this Contract areconsidered valid if sent to “X” in written form.

9. Any notice shall be effective seven (7) days after the sending by telexor fax. unless a later date is specified in the notice.

5. Arbitration

10. Any dispute arising from this Contract and or any allied contractwill be brought before the competent courts of the Canton of Geneva.

6. Official Addresses of the Parties



The Contract is executed in two (2) copies in Russian and English each, kept by the Trustee and «X»3 both having the same force and effect.

Text С

Contract To Provide Advertising Services

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