1. Choose the best word or phrase to fill the gap Water _____ at a temperature of 100˚C. a) is boils b) is to boil c) is boiling d) boils 2. Choose the right auxiliary verb: ____you written to Rita to invite her to our school t...

1. Choose the best word or phrase to fill the gap Water _____ at a temperature of 100˚C. a) is boils b) is to boil c) is boiling d) boils 2. Choose the right auxiliary verb: ____you written to Rita to invite her to our school tournaments yet? a) do b) have c) are d) did 3. Choose the correct modal verb to the sentence: “When he was young he __ run for a mile very fast” a) can b) would c) could d) had 4. Choose the best word to fill the gap: Guests were having dinner______ a) from six till nine p.m. b) already c) since 1998 d) by ten a.m. 5. Choose the correct grammatical structure to fill the gap: We were not listening ___to the guide___the other tourists. a) then, before b) either, or c) neither, nor d) and, but 6. Find the definition to the word “cartoon” a) a film about the life of cowboys in the USA b) a piece of paper that shows you have paid to do something c) a film using drawing and not real people, animals, things d) people, who enjoy going to the cinema II LEVEL (1 point for each correct task) 1. Choose the correct sentence. A) The play of the actors was very convinced. I liked the film very much. B) “ The bride” is very touched film. The actors play is very natural. C) “The Star Wars” is a thrilled film. Don’t miss the chance to see it. D) “Titanic” is a very entertaining film – the visual effects are exiting. 2. Read the text. Say if the following sentences are true or false. It is not known when the ravens first have come to the Tower of London, but their presence is surrounded by the legend. According to the legend, at least six ravens must remain to prevent the fall of the Tower and Monarchy. The story tells that there was John Flamsteed, an astronomer, who worked at the Royal observatory (1646-1719). He complained to the King Charles II that the birds were disturbing him. They prevented to work. At first the King ordered to kill the birds but later he changed his mind and proclaimed that at least six ravens should be kept at the Tower at all times to prevent the fall of the Tower and Monarchy. 2014/2015 н.р. № _________ Річна контрольна робота з англійської мови уч__________ 7 класу ______________________________ ______________________________ Навчальні досягнення за виконання роботи за співбесіду (очно, чат, відео, тест) за рік Вчитель: Яременко В.П. The ravens’ master Derrick Coyle is a beefeater, whose job is to look after birds and to preserve the uniqueness of the legend. 1. The presence of the ravens in the Tower of London is tradition. (F/T) 2. This tradition is more than 6 centuries. (F/T) 3. The ravens are looked after carefully.(F/T) 4. The ravens helped to predict the weather to John Flamsteed (F/T) 3. Choose three correct sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 This film is seen by millions of people Some mistakes made in this sentence. The table is made of steel. My friend has just returned from Great Britain. This church is restored in 1998. Not very much is known about Shakespeare’s childhood. 1. Match the sentence with it’s correct tense and voice form. Fill the table. (на стику літер та цифр поставити позначки) a) How long have you been married? b) The apartment where I live is decorated with pink ribbons. c) I liked the story which was written by C.Dickens. d) The only I could do was to stay in the bed and to get recover. e) What have you been doing the whole month? 1) Past Indefinite, Active Voice 2) Present Indefinite, Passive Voice 3) Present Perfect, Active Voice 4) Past Indefinite, Passive Voice 2.Put the phrases into the correct order to make up the dialogue. Fill the table. 1 – C is an example. A − Let me have a look. Open your mouth, please. Your throat is a bit red. Have you taken your temperature? B − What is it, Doctor? C − Good morning, Doctor? D − It’s a bad cold. You should stay in bed for three days. Take this medicine three times a day and come on Friday. E − I’ve got a headache and a sore throat. F − No, I haven’t. G − Thank you, Doctor H −Good morning. What’s wrong with you? I − Here is the thermometer. Let’s take your temperature. Oh, it’s high. 3. Use the advertisement to complete the dialogue. SWIMMING POOL FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS Opening time: workdays 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. weekends 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. Two swimming pools: small for children; big for those who can swim. Swimming groups: lessons with the coach three times a week. a b c d e 1 2 3 4 1 C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * Excuse me, is this the swimming club? * Yes, can I help you, Miss? * I’d like to know how many swimming pools you have. * Do you have swimming groups? * Swimming groups have lessons three times a week. * How does your swimming club work on weekdays? * We work from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekends. * Thank you very much for the information. Write about your visit to the theatre or to the cinema. (7-8 sentences)
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1)d 2)b 3)c 4)a 5)c 6)c II level 1)D 2) 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 3) The table is made of steel. My friend has just returned from Great Britain. Not very much is known about Shakespeare’s childhood. a-3 b-2 c-4 d-1 2. 1-c 2-h 3-e 4-a 5-f 6-I 7-b 8-d 9-g 3. * Excuse me, is this the swimming club? * Yes, can I help you, Miss? * I’d like to know how many swimming pools you have. -We have two swimming pools: small for children; big for those who can swim. * Do you have swimming groups? - Yes, we do. -How often do the swimming groups have lessons? * Swimming groups have lessons three times a week. * How does your swimming club work on weekdays? -On weekdays we work from 11am till 8pm. -How do you work on weekends? * We work from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekends. * Thank you very much for the information. Write about your visit to the theatre or to the cinema. (7-8 sentences) In December my friends and I went to see the new Star Wars film. It is the seventh episode and it is called ‘The force awakens’. I remember watching Star Wars movies when I was very little. That’s why I was very excited to see the new film. The film began at 4pm, so we met up at 3.30pm and went to  buy some popcorn and juice. Then at 4pm we finally sat down to watch the film. I enjoyed it and thought it was very interesting.
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