1. Complete the sentences with AM/ARE/IS and translate them into your native language. What ... this called in English? I ... paid on the first of every month. Jane ... often sent to the Singapore office. ... any classe...

1. Complete the sentences with AM/ARE/IS and translate them into your native language. What ... this called in English? I ... paid on the first of every month. Jane ... often sent to the Singapore office. ... any classes taught on Wednesdays? More chocolate ... eaten in the USA than in any other country. 2. Put Simple Passive verbs into these sentences and translate them into your native language. Arabic ... from right to left. (write) Those programmes ... by millions of people every week. (watch) Cricket ... by two teams of 11 players. (play) We ... by the birds every morning. (wake up) I ... nice presents every birthday.(give) 3. Use the following words to complete answers to the questions, using Present Progressive Passive (grass / cut, I / send, it / clean, my hair / cut, she / interview, watch / repair). 'Can't we play on the football pitch?' 'No, the grass is being cut.' 'Can't you wear your blue suit tonight?' 'No, ...............................' 'Did Alice get that new job?' 'Not yet - ...............................today'. 'What time is it?' 'Sorry, I don't know: ........................................' 'Why the big smile?' '...................................to Hawaii for a week.' I usually read a magazine while .................................................
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
I1. is called как это назвается по английски 2.am paid мне платят в начале каждого месяца 3. is often sent джейн часто отправляют в офис в сингапуре 4. are any ... Проводятся ли какие нибудь занятия по средам?  5. is eaten В США съедается больше шоколада чем в какой либо другой стране II1 is written Арабский пишется справа налево 2 are watched Эти программы просматриваются миллионами людей каждую неделю 3 is played крикет играется двумя командами по 11 человек 4 are woken up Мы пробуждаемся от птиц каждый день 5 am given мне дарят хорошие подарки на каждый день рождения III its being cleaned she s being interviewed my watch is being repaired i m being sent my hair is being cut
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