1. Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the word given at the end of the line     1.He doesn’t get any real … from playing basketball. ENJOY 2.He was very hard-working and … to his project. DEDICATE 3.School Council asked f...

1. Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the word given at the end of the line     1.He doesn’t get any real … from playing basketball. ENJOY 2.He was very hard-working and … to his project. DEDICATE 3.School Council asked for help with the … of the Internet centre for students. ORGANISE 4.Unfortunately, Kate was … to admit she was wrong. WILL 5.A new course offers students the opportunity to be … and imaginative. CREATE         2. Put the words in brackets into the correct tense     Example: If Kate were not (not to be) so creative and full of ideas, meetings at “Theatre Club” wouldn’t be (be) so exciting.       1.If you … (be) more organised, you … (always, do) everything on time. 2.If you … (listen) to the teacher attentively at the first lesson, you … (understand) the rule. 3.If I … (realise) how much I should revise for exams, I … (start) earlier. Now I won’t have time to do everything. 4.If I … (be) older, I … (have) exams this June. 5.If Ann … (come) earlier, she … (see) Patrick. He left a few minutes ago.         3. Complete the sentences with these words only.     a. vocational, b. qualification, c. degree, d. scholarship, e. diplomas       1.If you want to get a bachelor’s … , you should go to the university after school 2.Our local … college gives basic skills in many professions. 3.… of many Russia’s universities are accepted in different countries. 4.After this course you will get a … in computer design. 5.If you want to get a … , you should study hard at school.    
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.He doesn’t get any real enjoyment from playing basketball. 2.He was very hard-working and dedication to his project.  3.School Council asked for help with the organization of the Internet centre for students. ORGANISE 4.Unfortunately, Kate was unwilling to admit she was wrong. 5.A new course offers students the opportunity to be creative and imaginative.         2. Put the words in brackets into the correct tense     Example: If Kate were not (not to be) so creative and full of ideas, meetings at “Theatre Club” wouldn’t be (be) so exciting.       1.If you were more organised, you would do everything on time. 2.If you listened  to the teacher attentively at the first lesson, you would understand the rule. 3.If I realized how much I should revise for exams, I would have started earlier. Now I won’t have time to do everything. 4.If I was older, I would have exams this June. 5.If Ann came earlier, she would have seen Patrick. He left a few minutes ago.         3. Complete the sentences with these words only.     a. vocational, b. qualification, c. degree, d. scholarship, e. diplomas       1.If you want to get a bachelor’s degree, you should go to the university after school 2.Our local vocational college gives basic skills in many professions. 3. Diplomas of many Russia’s universities are accepted in different countries. 4.After this course you will get a qualification in computer design. 5.If you want to get a scholarship, you should study hard at school.
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