1) I ( am going/go) to the circus tomorrow. 2) (Does the film begin/Is the film beginning) at 4 o`clock? 3) It (is going to be/is)Sunday tomorrow. 4)

1) I ( am going/go) to the circus tomorrow. 2) (Does the film begin/Is the film beginning) at 4 o`clock? 3) It (is going to be/is)Sunday tomorrow. 4)The show( is going to start/starts) at 7. 5) My brother (is going to become/becomes) an engineer.6 ) This museum (is opening/opens) early in the morning. 7) The children (are watching/watch) a new film tomorrow. ПОМОГИТЕ!!!
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1)am going 2)is the film beginning 3)is 4)starts 5)is going to become 6)opens 7)will watch
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