1) Put in a/an or the: … Captain ordered … crew to unload … vessel. 2) Use correct prepositions: One hot summer morning we decided to take a trip … our car … the city … the ocean. We got … the car and drove … the highway. 3) Pu...

1) Put in a/an or the: … Captain ordered … crew to unload … vessel. 2) Use correct prepositions: One hot summer morning we decided to take a trip … our car … the city … the ocean. We got … the car and drove … the highway. 3) Put the following into the Passive Voice: The manufacturers can deliver the machine at the end of the month. 4) Put the verbs into the correct tense: The schoolchildren (enter) the classroom ten minutes after the bell (ring).
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. the the the 2. in to near/by into along 3.the machine can be delivered by the manufatures at the end of the month. 4. entered, had rung
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