1. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу. 1. … is a person who gives us the books when we need. а.) A teacher b) A librarian c) A journalist 1. Mr Bright will be responsible for an German-Russian students’ … next year. a)...

1. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу. 1. … is a person who gives us the books when we need. а.) A teacher b) A librarian c) A journalist 1. Mr Bright will be responsible for an German-Russian students’ … next year. a) interview b) studying c) exchange 1. My mum likes to invite guests. She is very … . а. responsible b) hospitable c) intelligent 1. The Browns are a … English family: a mother, a father and two children. а. traditional b) loving c) cruel 1. A bodyguard is a very … profession. а. funny b) creative c) dangerous 2. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме. 1. She … meat every day. a) is eating b) eats c) eat 2. The baby … at the moment. a) is sleeping b) sleeps c) sleep 3. Mother never … the dishes. a) is washing b) washes c) wash 4. Look! He … very quickly. a) is running b) runs c) run 5. I … my homework every day. a) am doing b) do c) does 3. Заполнить пропуски нужным предлогом, если требуется. 1. We are a close family and we get … well with each other. 2. I usually get up … 8 o’clock. 3. Last year Joan made friends … a very intelligent boy. 4. What music do you like to listen …? 5. He never misses … his classes at school. 4. Задайте общий вопрос и один специальный вопрос к предложению, начиная со слова в скобках. Father is reading a newspaper at the moment. (What?)
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1)1 b 1 c 1b 1a 1c 2).1b 2a 3b 4a 5b 3)1 on 2 at 3 with 4 to 5 - 4) Is father reading a newspaper at the moment? What is father reading at the moment?
1.b librarian 2.c exchange 3. hospitable 4. traditional 5.dangerous 2. 1.eats 2.is sleeping 3.washes 4.is running 5.do 3. 1.- 2.at 3.with 4.to 5.- 4.1.What is father reading at the moment ? 2.Is father reading at the moment?
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