30 БАЛЛОВ..пожалуйста помогите Task 3.Choose the correct answer. “Do you like going to the cinema?’ ‘Yes. I usually ....... at least once a month.’ A am going В go C have gone 2. ‘You look serious.’ ‘Yes. I ………to solve a di...

30 БАЛЛОВ..пожалуйста помогите Task 3.Choose the correct answer. “Do you like going to the cinema?’ ‘Yes. I usually ....... at least once a month.’ A am going В go C have gone 2. ‘You look serious.’ ‘Yes. I ………to solve a difficult problem.’ A have tried В try C am trying 3. ‘Would you like to go out tonight?’ ‘Not really. I’m exhausted. I ………. hard all day.’ A have worked В am working C have been working 4. ‘When are you going to buy a new car?’ ‘Well, I ……….two that I like, but I can’t decide which one to buy.’ A have been seeing В have seen C see 5. ‘Does Stuart often go sailing in the winter?’ ‘He …………. .’ ~ A does seldom В seldom does C doesn’t seldom 6. ‘Does Peter know how to drive?’‘Of course. He ………….for years, now.’ A has driven В is driving C has been driving 7. ‘Has Sarah moved out of her parents’ house yet?’ ‘Oh, yes. She …………in a flat in town now.’ A has lived В has been living C lives 8. ‘Do you have breakfast in the morning?’ ‘No, I ……….. .’ A do never В never do C don’t never 9. ‘When are you seeing Paul next?’‘We ……….to meet next Tuesday.’ A have been arranging В arrange C have arranged 10. ‘Is there a supermarket in your town?’ ‘Yes. There…………one here for quite a while.’ A is being В has been C is 11. ‘Have you done your homework yet?’ ‘Yes. I always …………it before dinner.’ A am doing В have done C do 12. ‘Where is Bob?’ ‘He.. ………Jimmy to the park.’ A has been taking В has taken C takes
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