Answer the questions about John's Easter holiday. 1) what place is the second card from? 2) What was the weather like in Paris? 3) What did John like more the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower? 4) What was the weather like in Bonn? 5)...

Answer the questions about John's Easter holiday. 1) what place is the second card from? 2) What was the weather like in Paris? 3) What did John like more the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower? 4) What was the weather like in Bonn? 5) What does John hope for?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.Second card was from Bohn 2.In Paris was so hot and sunny 3.John like more Eiffel Tower 4.Weather in Bohn was rainy 5.He hope the weather will change soon
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