Choose the correct item. 1) We will … tomorrow. A. call; B. called; C. calling. 2) Did Tom … TV last night? A. watched; B. watch;

Choose the correct item. 1) We will … tomorrow. A. call; B. called; C. calling. 2) Did Tom … TV last night? A. watched; B. watch; C. watches. 3) … plying with her friends at the moment? A. Is it; B. Is he: C. Is she. ______________________________________ Fill in since or for: A. … 2010; B. … a week; C. … six days; D. … last night; E. … July. ______________________________________ Correct the mistakes. A. When have you visited the cinema? B. She cooks dinner at the moment. C. There aren’t some clouds in the sky. Решите пожалуйста, хоть что-то. Очень рассчитываю на вашу помощь, ребят.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1 А 2 В 3 Вопрос не особо поняла Есть такая конструкция как  местоимение-вспомогательный глагол(is,are) глагол+ing  since,for,for,since,for  When have you visited  to the cinema?  She cooking dinner at the moment.   There isn’t some clouds in the sky.
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