Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets Next weekend we are going to Lviv with my family. We(1) ....(not/to go) by car because there (2) (to be) too much traffic in big cities. We (3) ( not/to go...

Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets Next weekend we are going to Lviv with my family. We(1) ....(not/to go) by car because there (2) (to be) too much traffic in big cities. We (3) ( not/to go) but rain because it(4)....(to take) much time. Besides,there(5)....(to be) no return tickets for the dates we asked. My father (6)....( already/to buy) plane tickets. This is the first time I (7)...( to travel) by air. I'm really excited. I (8).....(already/to write) the list of things I'm going to take with me. I(9)...(to take) much luggage because it's summer,and the days are nice and warm. I think i(10).....(to take) my umbrella in case it rains. My mum (11)......(not/to pack) our suitcases yet. She is going to do that tomorrow,and I'll help her. I (12)......(always/ to do) that when we go on a family trip. We have already decided which places we would like to visit. I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time together. Я вас очень прошу ПОМОГИТЕ!!!
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А ты учил/ла, уже майбутний час
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