Диалог по английскому языку Тема: вред алкоголя. Помогите
Диалог по английскому языку Тема: вред алкоголя. Помогите
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For many people, facts about alcoholism are not clear. What is alcoholism, exactly? For most people, alcohol is a pleasant accompaniment to social activities. Moderate alcohol use - up to two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women and older people is not harmful for most adults. Nonetheless, a substantial number of people have serious troubles with their drinking.Currently, nearly 30 million Russians abuse alcohol or are alcoholics. Several millions of adults are engaged in risky drinking patterns that can lead to alcohol problems.The consequences of alcohol misuse are serious and in many cases, life-threatening. Heavy drinking can increase the risk of certain cancers, especially those of liver, esophagus, throat, and larynx. It can also cause liver cirrhosis, immune system problems, brain damage, and harm the fetus during pregnancy. In addition, drinking increases the risk of death from automobile crashes, recreational accidents, and on-the-job accidents and also increases the likelihood of homicide and suicide.Acknowledging that help is needed for an alcohol problem may not be easy. But keep in mind that the sooner a person gets help, the better are his or her chances for a successful recovery. Any reluctance you may feel about discussing your drinking with your health care professional may stem from common misconceptions about alcoholism and alcoholic people. In our society, the myth prevails that an alcohol problem is somehow a sign of moral weakness. As a result, you may feel that to seek help is to admit some type of shameful defect in yourself. In fact, however, alcoholism is a disease that is no more a sign of weakness than is asthma or diabetes. Moreover, taking steps to identify a possible drinking problem has an enormous payoff - a chance for a healthier, more rewarding life.When you visit your health care provider, he or she will ask you a number of questions about your alcohol use to determine whether you are experiencing problems related to your drinking. Try to answer these questions as fully and honestly as you can. You also will be given a physical examination. If your health care professional concludes that you may be dependent on alcohol, he or she may recommend that you see a specalist in diagnosing and treating alcoholism.While alcoholism is a treatable disease, a cure is not yet available. That means that even if an alcoholic has been sober for a long while and has regained health, he or she remains susceptible to relapse and must continue to avoid all alcoholic beverages. "Cutting down" on drinking doesn't work; cutting out alcohol is necessary for a successful recovery.
-(1)Hello!Maybe it will seem strange question, but how do you feel adout alcocol?
-(2)Hello! I treat it carefully, like something, such as wine. Others belive or strongly or slightly harmful, depending on the type and time of application.
-(1)How you life with a bottle of beer and a cigarette in his hand?
-(2)It's a way to kill all living things in their stomach.
-(1)You know, on the other hand, it is better that they drank liters of beer than vodka.This is a series:of two evils choose the lesser.
-(2)It is difficult to compare, it would be better to drink juices and water.
-(1)I completely agree!
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