Ex. 6. Fill in the proper article. c) … Australia is … interesting country. Australians are very friendly, happy people. Some of … strangest animals in … world live there. In … Great Victoria Desert you can find … kangaroos and...

Ex. 6. Fill in the proper article. c) … Australia is … interesting country. Australians are very friendly, happy people. Some of … strangest animals in … world live there. In … Great Victoria Desert you can find … kangaroos and … koala bears. … most famous city in Australia is … Sydney. d) Last year … Smiths went on holiday to … London with their friends … Browns. They visited … Hyde park and went on … boat trip on … Thames. … Mrs. Brown visited … Buckingham Palace hoping to see … Queen. Unfortunately, … Queen Elizabeth II wasn’t at … home at the time.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
a)-,an. the, the. the, -,- the, -. b)the,-,the. -,a,the. -,-the. -,- -,- означает нет артикля
c. -.an.the.the.the.-.-.the.-. d. the.-.the.-.a.-.-.the.the.the-
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