Ex.5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary. 1) We have a nice apartment … the center of St.Petersburg. It is … the third floor … a new building. It is a three-room flat … a kitchen, … the kitchen ther...

Ex.5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary. 1) We have a nice apartment … the center of St.Petersburg. It is … the third floor … a new building. It is a three-room flat … a kitchen, … the kitchen there is a refrigerator to keep food cool … hot weather and a kitchen cupboard … plates & dishes. 2) Walls … the library were lined … … bookcases, the armchairs were upholstered … leather, the tables littered … newspapers & magazines. 3) The door burst open & we saw a stranger … the doorway. 4) How many multi-storeyed buildings are there … your street? 5) Peter has got a nice cottage … the country but … any conveniences. 6) The windows of the bedroom looked … … a little garden … the back … the house. 7) Who dwells … this cottage? 8) We have a lot … furniture … our dining0room. 9) The boy saw a man going into the house … the side door. 10) Tell the kids not to forget to wipe their feet … the door-mat. 11) My office is not far … my home. 12) For hours we would sit … a chair looking … … the window. 13) You may dry your hands … the towel … the towel rail. 14) Don’t forget to switch … the light before leaving … home. 15) There is no room … a TV set … the sofa & the bookcase. We’ll put it … a TV stand … the right … the window. 16) She said she didn’t remember if she had turned … the gas … the kitchen. 17) … the bookshelf I can’t find a dictionary … other books. 18) A wonderful portrait is hanging … the wall … the writing-desk. 19) Who is sitting there … the armchair … the corner … from the TV set? 20) … my opinion this flat is too small … my family though I’m fond … it. 21) … the left there is a bookcase to keep books … . Ex.6. Write down one good reason for living in: - a flat; - a house; - the center of a city; - a suburb; - a town; - a village; - the country.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) We have a nice apartment in… the center of St. Petersburg. It is on… the third floor …of a new building. It is a three-room flat …with a kitchen. In… the kitchen there is a refrigerator to keep food cool in… hot weather and a kitchen cupboard for… plates & dishes. 2) The walls in the library were lined up with bookcases, the armchairs were upholstered in leather, the tables littered with… newspapers & magazines. 3) The door burst open & we saw a stranger in… the doorway. 4) How many multi-storeyed buildings are there in… your street? 5) Peter has got a nice cottage in the country but without any conveniences. 6) The windows of the bedroom looked …out into … a little garden at… the back of… the house. 7) Who dwells in… this cottage? 8) We have a lot of… furniture in… our diningroom. 9) The boy saw a man going into the house through… the side door. 10) Tell the kids not to forget to wipe their feet on… the door-mat. 11) My office is not far from… my home. 12) For hours we would sit in… a chair looking …out of … the window. 13) You may dry your hands on… the towel at… the towel rail. 14) Don’t forget to switch off… the light before leaving … home. 15) There is no room for… a TV set between… the sofa & the bookcase. We’ll put it on… a TV stand on… the right of… the window. 16) She said she didn’t remember if she had turned off… the gas in… the kitchen. 17) …On the bookshelf I can’t find a dictionary among… other books. 18) A wonderful portrait is hanging on… the wall above… the writing-desk. 19) Who is sitting there in… the armchair in the corner away from the TV set? 20) To my opinion this flat is too small for… my family though I’m fond of… it. 21) …On the left there is a bookcase to keep books in… .
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