Exercise 7, Plural forms. 1 I go swimming on Saturdays. 2 He watches TV every day. 3 The dictionary is over there. 4 This watch is expensive. 5 Do you have a stamp? 6 She's our child. 7 He's an interesting person. 8 The schoo...

Exercise 7, Plural forms. 1 I go swimming on Saturdays. 2 He watches TV every day. 3 The dictionary is over there. 4 This watch is expensive. 5 Do you have a stamp? 6 She's our child. 7 He's an interesting person. 8 The school doesn't have a computer. Прошу помочь, с некоторыми предложениями справилась, но все равно решила написать чтобы себя проверить! Заранее спасибо!
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если я правильно поняла задание... 1. We go swimming on Saturdays. 2. They watch TV every day.  3. The dictionaries are over there.  4. These watchs are expensive. 5. Do you have a stamp? (тут вроде как и так множественное число, ведь you - это и "вы") 6. They are our children. 7. Thay are an interesting persons. 8. The schools don't have a computers.
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