III. Write five questions about this sentence: In winter I put on warm clothes. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) III. Put five special questions to the following sentence. After school Bob plays football with his friends on the sport ground. 1) ...

III. Write five questions about this sentence: In winter I put on warm clothes. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) III. Put five special questions to the following sentence. After school Bob plays football with his friends on the sport ground. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) III. Translate from Russian into English : 1) Какие страны ты хотел бы посетить? 2) Много людей в мире говорят по-английски. 3) Мы только что закончили читать эту историю. 4) Ты знаешь что-нибудь об этих странах? 5) Это случилось со мной прошлым летом. III. Translate from Russian into English : 1) Я учил стихотворение Пушкина вчера. 2) Он собирается поиграть в футбол после уроков. 3) Мэри всегда говорит по-английски со своим учителем. 4) Сколько дней в неделю ты ходишь в школу? 5) В середине комнаты лежит красивый ковёр. 1) Эта интересная книга была написана известным писателем. 2) Мои родители купили мне новый компьютер час назад. 3) Аня только что спела красивую песню. 4) Мы купим билеты завтра. 5) Этот журнал не публикуется в этой стране. существительные. II. Form nouns from these words : 1)To govern - 2)To meet - 3)To inform – 4)To cross – 5)Curious – 6)Real – III. You can see the answer. What was the question? 1) No, I don’t. I come from London. 2) I went to school at the age of six. 3) I get to my school by bus. 4) Math is the most difficult subject for me. 5) I would like to visit Russia and Germany помогите срочно пожалуйста
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
ответ на первое задание 1what kind of closes you put on in the winter? 2when you put on worm closes? 3that you put on in the winter? 4do you put on warm closes in the winter? 5the way you dress in the winter?? вопросы переводили через переводчик
1)Which clothes i wear in winter? 2)When i put on warm clothes? 3)What i put in winter? 4)What am i doing in winter? 5)не придумала ещё... 1)When Bob plays football with his friends on the sport ground? 2)Where Bob plays football with his friends after school? 3)What game Bob plays with his friends on the sport on the sport ground? 4)Who plays with friends on the sport ground after school? 5)With who Bob plays on the sport ground after school? 1.Which countries would you like to visit? 2.Many people in the world speak English. 3.Do you know anything about these countries? 4.It happened to me last summer. 1.I taught Pushkin's poem yesterday. 2.He was going to play football  after lessons/school 3.How many days a week do you go to school? 4.In the middle of the room lays a beautiful carpet. 1.This interesting book was written by a famous writer. 2.My parents bought me a new computer an hour ago. 3.Anya just sung a beatiful song. 4.We will buy the tickets tomorrow. 5.This magazine is not published in our country. To govern-yourself To meet-a friend To inform-a person To cross-the finish line Curious-nature Real-extreme :D 1)Do you come from (Russia)? 2)How many years did you go to school? 3)не смогла составить вопрос... 4)What is the most difficult subject for you? 5)Which countries would you like to visit?                  ЭТО ВСЁ
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