I. Подставьте нужный предлог там, где это необходимо: 1. Please go … the blackboard. He is … the blackboard now. 2. Please put your book … this brief-case, Ann. 3. Please take that long pencil … … your bag, Nick. 4. Please take...

I. Подставьте нужный предлог там, где это необходимо: 1. Please go … the blackboard. He is … the blackboard now. 2. Please put your book … this brief-case, Ann. 3. Please take that long pencil … … your bag, Nick. 4. Please take a pen … that student. 5. Please take that long pencil … … your brief-case, Fred, and put it … the table. 6. Please look … the map. 7. Please don’t go … here. 8. What page is he opening his book … ?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Please go to the blackboard. He is at the blackboard now. 2. Please put your book into this brief-case, Ann. 3. Please take that long pencil out of your bag, Nick. 4. Please take a pen from that student. 5. Please take that long pencil out of your brief-case, Fred, and put it on the table. 6. Please look at the map. 7. Please don’t go to here. 8. What page is he opening his book on ?
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