ХТО МОЖЕ ПОМОЖІТЬ БУДЬ-ЛАСКА!!!! Use there was, there were and the past tense of the following verbs: sing, draw, feed, keep, put, win.1. A: How was the concert? B: We enjoyed it. ... a very good singer. She . four songs. 2. A:...

ХТО МОЖЕ ПОМОЖІТЬ БУДЬ-ЛАСКА!!!! Use there was, there were and the past tense of the following verbs: sing, draw, feed, keep, put, win. 1. A: How was the concert? B: We enjoyed it. ... a very good singer. She . four songs. 2. A: That's a wonderful drawing. Who . it? B: I did. . two older men sitting near me on the train. I started to draw them on the train. I finished the picture at home. A: You're really talented! 3. A: Where did you buy that cowboy hat? B: I didn't buy it. I . it. A: When? B: Last Saturday. ... a carnival. I guessed the number of balls in the box. 4. A: We took the children to the Zoo on Sunday. B: Did they like it? A: Yes, they loved it! ... lions, tigers, elephants, and monkeys. Paul and Jane . the monkeys on peanuts, and the monkeys clapped their hands. 5. A: Did you listen to the news last night? B: No, I didn't. A: ... a con man in Texas. He became friends with older women. They gave him their money to invest, but he . their money for himself instead. B: That's terrible. A: The police found out about him from the children of one of the women. The police arrested him and ... him in jail.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Его стихи более популярны, чем его романы. 2. Самая большая чума в конце осени 1664 и два года спустя, в 1666 году Великий пожар охватил город, уничтожая все на своем пути, в том числе чумы. 3. Настоящий Шекспирский Мемориальный театр является одним из наиболее удобным и наиболее оснащенных в мире. 4. Я до сих пор чувствую себя усталым, но я чувствовал себя намного более уставшим вчера. 5. Морепродукты в более полезны для нашего здоровья.
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