На месте пропусков употребите, где нужно, артикль "the". a)Our flat is on ... second floor b)My brother goes to ... school c)What do you usually have for ... dinner? d)Kyiv is ... capital of Ukraine. e)What is ... longest river...

На месте пропусков употребите, где нужно, артикль "the". a)Our flat is on ... second floor b)My brother goes to ... school c)What do you usually have for ... dinner? d)Kyiv is ... capital of Ukraine. e)What is ... longest river in the world? f)After dinner we usually watch ... television.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
артикль употребляется в :  а),d,e 
a) the b) - c) - d) the e) the
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