Написати лист другу і розповісти про себе

Написати лист другу і розповісти про себе
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Dear, (имя друга) I was glad to get your lette last week. You wrote about  yourself, and I want to tell you about me. I'm (имяфамилия). (имя) is my first name and (фамилия) is my surename. I'm (возраст). I live in (место жительства) and also study here.  I'm tall, I have got fair hair and blue eyes. I like wearing jeans and t-shirts. I prefer to rock music, but sumetimes i listen to classical music. My hobbies are sports and reading. I play hocky.    My family is not large but very friendly. I have got a father and mother. I also have grand parents, uncles, aunts, and cousins.  When they are not busy we spend time together. We go to the cinema, theatre or cafe. I will look forward to meeting your.                                                                                                            Truly yours,                                                                                                             Piter
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