Нужен перевод текста на английский язык. (Более или менее грамотный, а не по переводчику конечно). Был замечательный солнечный день на музыкальном рок-фестивале, и казалось, что ничего не должно было пойти не так. Но вот, на вт...

Нужен перевод текста на английский язык. (Более или менее грамотный, а не по переводчику конечно). Был замечательный солнечный день на музыкальном рок-фестивале, и казалось, что ничего не должно было пойти не так. Но вот, на второй день начался сильный холодный дождь, не закончившийся даже на утро третьего дня. Крис семнадцатилетний блондин с темной кожей промокнув до нитки забежал в палатку. "Я прекрасно провел время, но я действительно с нетерпением жду возвращения домой» сказал он своим друзьям. «Но Крис! Фестиваль еще не закончился» воскликнул его лучший друг Юрий. «Как хотите, а я не могу в таком холоде жить!» ответил Крис и вышел из палатки. Парень прошел все поле, где были расставлены палатки всех гостей фестиваля, и вышел на машинную стоянку. Множество автомобилей были плотно припаркованы на большой площади. Крис пробуждал по парковке под дождем несколько часов, но так и не нашел свою машину. Он бы так и продолжил эти бессмысленные поиски, если бы не их сопровождающий Джек, пришедший на его поиски. Джек довел подростка обратно до их остановки и закутал в полотенца. Спокойно попивая чай в палатке, юноши начали рассматривать забавную сторону того, что случилось. Джек посмотрела на Криса и, смеясь, сказала: “Я думал, мы едем на фестиваль, а не в зону бедствия.” «Да» кивнул Крис "По истине бедственный выходной!" Заранее благодарю вас.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Was a wonderful Sunny day on the rock music festival, and it seemed that nothing was to go wrong. But, on the second day began with a strong cold rain, not ending even on the morning of the third day.  Chris is a seventeen year old blond with dark skin having got wet to the skin ran into the tent. "I had a great time, but I'm really looking forward to returning home," he said to his friends. "But Chris! The festival is not over!" cried his best friend Yuri. "As you wish, but I can't in such a cold place to live!" said Chris and went out of the tent. The kid passed the entire field, where were placed the tents of all the festival guests, and went out in the car Park. A lot of cars were tightly parked on the large square. Chris was awakened in the Parking lot in the rain for a few hours, but never found his car. He would have continued this pointless search, if not for their accompanying Jack came looking for him. Jack brought the teenager back to the stops and wrapped in towels. Quietly sipping tea in a tent, the boys began to see the funny side of what happened. Jack looked at Chris and laughing, said, “I thought we were going to the festival, but not in the disaster area.”  "Yes," nodded Chris, "truly disastrous holiday!"
Was a wonderful Sunny day on the rock music festival, and it seemed that nothing was to go wrong. But, on the second day began with a strong cold rain, not ending even on the morning of the third day. Chris is a seventeen year old blond with dark skin having got wet to the skin ran into the tent. "I had a great time, but I'm really looking forward to returning home," he said to his friends. "But Chris! The festival is not over!" cried his best friend Yuri. "As you wish, but I can't in such a cold place to live!" said Chris and went out of the tent. The kid passed the entire field, where were placed the tents of all the festival guests, and went out in the car Park. A lot of cars were tightly parked on the large square. Chris was awakened in the Parking lot in the rain for a few hours, but never found his car. He would have continued this pointless search, if not for their accompanying Jack came looking for him. Jack brought the teenager back to the stops and wrapped in towels. Quietly sipping tea in a tent, the boys began to see the funny side of what happened. Jack looked at Chris and laughing, said, “I thought we were going to the festival, but not in the disaster area.” "Yes," nodded Chris, "truly disastrous holiday!"
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