Нужно составить диалог на тему * Кто-то нашел ваш потеряный паспорт* по 5 реплик.

Нужно составить диалог на тему * Кто-то нашел ваш потеряный паспорт* по 5 реплик.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
-Hello,could I please speak to Mr Robe? -I m at phone. Who do I speak to? -My name is Elena and I am calling you from a restaurant "Burger and Lobster" where you was having a dinner tonight.  -Oh,Elena,hello! I did not recognize your voice. Whats the matter? -Mr Robe you have accidently forgotten your passport and a folder with other documents. You have left it on the table. -Oh my God?! Did I? I have not even realized! -Do not worry,it is found.We can send it to the hotel if you provide us an adress or you can collect it from a restaurant. -Elena,you are my savior! I have a flight tomorrow, what would I do without my documents! I will collect it myself tomorrow.Thank you for cantacting me! -You are welcome.See you tomorrow.
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