Open the brackets using the verbs in the present or past tense. 1. Last year we (have) English lessons only on Wednesday. 2. When you (go) for a walk yesterday? 3. Our company (take part) in the exhibition in Tokyo three years ...

Open the brackets using the verbs in the present or past tense. 1. Last year we (have) English lessons only on Wednesday. 2. When you (go) for a walk yesterday? 3. Our company (take part) in the exhibition in Tokyo three years ago. 4. We (make) five contracts for our equipment last month. 5. When your nephew (be born)? - He (be born) on the twelfth of May. 6. I (be out) in the morning. Who (bring) the mail? - Your secretary (do). 7. The other day I not (speak) on the phone at all. 8. You often (go) on business? When you last (go) to Sweden?? 9. What questions you (discuss) at yesterday's talks? 10. I usually (go) home on foot, but yesterday I (take) a taxi as I (be tired) after work. 11. Ann's husband not (listen) to the news on the radio on Sunday morning. He (read) fresh newspapers. 12. We (go) skiing last Saturday. - There not (be) much snow in the park, (be) there? 13. We (arrive) at the airport in good time for the plane last night. It (take) us an hour to get there by taxi. 14. She not (talk) to her friend on the phone yesterday.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. had 2. did you go 3. took part 4. made 5. was born, was born 6. was out, brought, was 7. don't speak 8. do you often go, went 9. did you discuss 10. go, took, was tired 11. doesn't listen, reads 12. went, wasn't, was 13. arrived, took 14. didn't talk
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