Переведите текст. Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме. Neoclassical economics (not to be) a school of thought (мысль) but a number of subschools of thought (to form) by economists (to follow) and (to d...

Переведите текст. Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме. Neoclassical economics (not to be) a school of thought (мысль) but a number of subschools of thought (to form) by economists (to follow) and (to devel¬op) the ideas of such masters as Alfred Marshall in England, Leon Walras in France and Carl Menger in Austria. What all these subschools (to agree) upon was the importance of individual utilities and constraints for coordinating markets and prices. In 1890 Marshall in his Principles of Economics (to show) how prices for commodities (can) (to be explained) by supply and demand in the context of firms (to struggle) to survive (выжить) within industries. Walras and his followers in France and England (to be interested) in the effect of supply and demand on market pricing (ценообразование). Walras (to examine) the mathematical conditions under which all markets (can) (to be) in equilibrium at the same time. Among Austrians, the important task of economic study (to be) to sort out (отобрать) separate units of economic activity and then to analyze them in terms of supply and demand forces (to work) through the decisions (to make) by individuals.
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1. Isn't 2. Are formed 3. Following 4. Developing 5. Are agreed 6. Showed 7. Could 8. Struggling 9. Were interested 10. Examined 11. Could 12. Was 13. Working 14. Were made
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