Перевод 8.СРОЧНО!!!Очень

Перевод 8.СРОЧНО!!!Очень
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7.to celebrate <br /> to decorate the room <br /> to exchange with gifts <br /> to cook favourite fish <br />favourite holiday <br />to choose whole fruits <br />to make sandwiches<br />to bring the vegetables<br />to forget about the rules <br />Shall I cut the potatoes?<br />8.1.What about having an ice -cream ?<br />2.Would you like to eat some soup ?-With pleasure!<br />3.Enjoy your meal! Bon appetite!- Thank you !<br />4.Let's organise a family dinner -That is a great idea !<br />5.Bring the flowers , please.<br />6.Have we got some strawberries?-Let's see in the fridge .<br />7.I like chocolate and biscuits.<br />8.I usually organise the celebration when I have my birthday.<br />9.Buy a carton of milk .<br />10.Bring some grapes and cherries, please.-Here you are .<br />9.1.My favourite holiday is New Year .<br />2.We usually decorate our flat , dress in beautiful clothes and exchange with gifts . My mother cooks something especial for the supper for the whole family .We like fried chicken with rice .Father buys pineapple and oranges .<br />
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