Помогите пож с перев на русс : Finding oil and gas Oil companies employ geologists toidentify areas where oil and gas may ber
Помогите пож с перев на русс : Finding oil and gas
Oil companies employ geologists toidentify areas where oil and gas may berecovered.
By studying how the earth andoceans were millions of years ago and howthey have changed, geologists can predictwhere there are reservoirs of oil and gasthat can be commercially recovered.
Oilcompany scientists and engineers usespecial measuring devices to survey theseareas.
The results are analysed and adecision is made whether to drill andgather more data.
Most of the explorationwork is carried out by company personnelto retain confidentiality.
There iscompetition between oil companies andpolitical sensitivity which must beconsidered.
However, specialist drillingcontractors are employed whenexploratory drilling starts.
The techniques used to collect this dataare becoming more sophisticated as thesearch becomes more difficult forremaining reserves that are becoming lessaccessible in more challengingenvironments.
In seismic surveying, soundenergy generated by special vibrators orsmall explosives is reflected back to itssource when it meets a differentgeological formation.
Arrays of receivers,called geophones, pick up the reflectedsignal.
The time taken for the reflection tobe recorded is measured.
Computersprocess the signals and analyse anddisplay the depth and the nature of theboundary.
The geophone array maycomprise many hundreds of geophonesand will require a large team of surveyorssupported by large teams using a GlobalPositioning System (GPS) over wide areas,often in desert environments.
Marinesurveys are carried out using vesselstowing hydrophones fitted to cables orstreamers, or by Ocean Bottom Cable inshallower water.
Large surveys must take into account theecological disturbance they may cause, notonly in mobilizing and sustaining largesurvey teams on land but also ingenerating signals at sea that can disturband confuse marine life.
Marine surveys inenvironmentally sensitive areas aresubject to strict controls.
Sakhalin Island is
a breeding ground for the Western GrayWhale and Sakhalin Energy InvestmentCorporation, operators of platforms offthe island with the Russian government,are committed to minimize any potentialenvironmental risks in their survey work.
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