Помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение на английском про кружок бокса
Помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение на английском про кружок бокса
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Boxing - a martial art that has preserved the tradition of uncompromising fist fights, sealed in the rock carvings and paintings on vases ancient civilizations of Africa and Greece.
Fist fights as the original folk merrymaking and valiant fun, where the main victory brought no power, but skill, were widespread in Russia. Olympic history of amateur boxing contains many gold, silver and bronze pages devoted to domestic champions, became famous for this sport.
Boxing - a sharp combat that requires the will, the ultimate focus, instant solutions and precise actions. Ring teaches boys, boys and men masculine, overcome fatigue, uncertainty, fear, pain, physical and mental stress.
Boxing may each, independently of the physical qualities of height, weight, body proportions; Boxers say that boxing is not incapable. Anyone can achieve great results!
The optimal age for employment by boxing - 12-13 years.
To become a fighter must realize boxing logic, sense of physical and psychological arts, the importance of high-quality technology and tactics of the fight in the ring.
The main attribute of a boxer - it gloves, combat and snaryadovye that significantly reduces pain from shocks and increase the success of protective actions. Their weight may be from 6 to 16 ounces (10 oz gloves weighing about 300 g). When sparring Boxers wear helmets, masks and tires that protect the upper lip from injury.
boxing classes begin with a study of specific techniques of warfare - offensive and defensive actions, movements, deceptive movements (tricks). The main attacking actions - strikes: straight, bottom and side to the head and torso, the left and right hand. Protective action - stands and beating his hands, step movement (back, left, right), the body movement (deviations, deviations). Moving around the ring made boxing, moving step vyshagivaniem single step (for the attacks) or shuttling. Faking - feints - run your hands through provocative movements or body.
Various combinations of the tactical base elements comprise boxing techniques performed in various embodiments, different ways and with various power and speed parameters.
Every boxer in accordance with their physical data, technical arsenal and mental qualities forms the optimum manner of warfare: a puncher or a boxer counterattacking style. He can use the tactics of fast start and knocking out, attack development, the explosion in the 3rd round, rough finish, psychic attack, skilled harping.
The manner of execution of techniques is also dependent on the individual characteristics: a strong preference for a right or left hand, weight category, the level of development of physical qualities.
The ring come ends strenuous training aimed at developing general physical, psycho-physical and special qualities and abilities: explosive, impact strength, tempo endurance - the ability to build and maintain the tempo structure battle for three rounds, specific skill in mnogoudarnyh combinations that combine punches and protection from movements and others.
Special quality boxers are produced by a variety of simulation exercises simulating battlefield structure, performed with additional weights or without them, with the use of fixed or movable shells, wall pillows, a variety of mobile pears stuffed. From the fight with shadow boxer goes to spar with real partners, conducting voluntary fights outside the ring, with the change of partners during the battle, and finally from the conventional fighting rises to the competition in the ring.
Together with the technical and tactical skills in boxing school formed the most courageous personality traits: purposefulness, activity, perseverance, determination, courage, ability to take risks in situations of acute bout, confidence in a duel with a more powerful and dangerous opponent. Boxing brings initiative in achieving tactical goals, the effectiveness of the will to the end of each episode in a fight, resistance to overcome physical fatigue and emotional tension and pain shock after a knockdown or injury.
Boxer who has mastered a rich arsenal of attacking receptions, realized the power and implications of the crushing blows, is obliged to balance their physical superiority of the high moral qualities of personality: always be honest, fair, kind, humble, disciplined, critical to their achievements and deeds, aspiring to the augmentation is not only physical, but also spiritual forces. Boxing Weapons should be in the hands of very balanced person.
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