ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!! Упражнение 1. Fill in the verb is or are. Вставьте глаголы is или are вместо пропусков. 1.Grammar rules ... always learnt by heart. 2.Rare animals ... protected in many countries. 3.This s...

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!! Упражнение 1. Fill in the verb is or are. Вставьте глаголы is или are вместо пропусков. 1.Grammar rules ... always learnt by heart. 2.Rare animals ... protected in many countries. 3.This scarf ... made by my granny. 4.Animals in the reserve ... fed two times a day. 5.The same shirts ... worn by all the members of our team. 6.New Belarussian books ... shown in our library 7.Many Belarussian towns ... described in this book. 8.Dinner ... always cooked by my mother. 9.This place ... crowded on Sunday. 10.Our village ... surrounded with a forest. Упражнение 2 . Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences. Выберите нужную форму глагола из скобок( действительный или страдательный). 1.I ... (like / am liked) this place. 2.What books by Charles Dickens ... (translated / are translated) into Belarussian? 3.Who ... (protects / is protected) animals? 4.This city ... (is visited / visited) by many people. 5.Who ... (gives / is given) bad marks in your class? 6.Our house ... (made /is made) of wood. 7.Our holiday ... (is begun / begins) next week. 8.Pupils ... (are given / give) textbooks by the teacher. 9.The holiday ... (celebrated / is celebrated) every year.
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are are is are are are are is is is
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