Помогите пожалуйста перевести текст As so many people speak English in so many different countries, there are many different "Englishes" The British literary form of English is called Standard English and it is the language of...
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As so many people speak English in so many different countries, there are many different "Englishes"
The British literary form of English is called Standard English and it is the language of (1)... English speakers. It is used by the Government, the BBC, the Universities and it is often called (2)... .
American English is the variety of English spoken in the United States of America. It is different from English in pronunciation, intonation, spelling, vocabulary and sometimes even in (3)... . An Englishman goes to the town centre to watch a (4)... while and American goes downtown to watch a movie. If an Englishman needs a pen he would ask you: Have you got a pen, please?" but an American would say: Do you have a pen?"
Australian and New Zealand English, also called Australian English, are very (5) Especially in pronunciation they are also similar to British English, but there are differences in (6)... and slang. Many terms, such as kangaroo, dingo, wombat and boomerang, come from the Aboriginal (7)... and many others from the Cockney dialect by the first settlers, the Londoners.
Canadian English is different both from American English and from (8)... . It is said to sound like American to Britons and like British to (9)... . In pioneer days Canadians (10)... many words from Canadian French, for example, bateau and habitant, from the native Indian languages came many (11)... like caribou and totem, and from Eskimo, Canadian English took anoraks, nuts, kayak and others.
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Так как многие люди говорят на английском во многих странах, есть много различных "вариантов английского языка". Лучшей формой английском языке называется Стандартный английский и он является языком образованных носителей английского языка. Правительство, Би-би-си, университеты, использует его, и его часто называют королевским английским. Американский английский-это разновидность английского в США. Он отличается от английского в произношении, интонации, орфографии, лексики, а иногда – даже грамматикой! Англичанин идет в центр(centre) города, чтобы увидеть фильм(film), в то время как американец идет в центр города (downtown), чтобы посмотреть кино (movie). Если англичанин нужна ручка, он бы вас спросил: "У тебя есть ручка?" (Have you got a pen?) , а американец бы сказал:" У тебя есть ручка?"(Do you have a pen?) В Австралии и Новой Зеландии английский язык, также называемый Австралийским английским, очень похожи. Особенно в произношении они тоже похож на британский английский, но есть и различия в лексике и сленге. Многие термины, такие как кенгуру, Динго, вомбат и бумеранг, исходят из коренных языков и многое другое от Кокни диалекта, на котором говорят первые поселенцы, лондонцы. Канадский английский отличается от американского и британского английского. Он звучит как американский для британцев и как британский для американцев . В первые дни канадцы взяли много слов из канадского французского, например, "бато и житель", из индейских языков пришли многие слова, такие как, карибу и тотем, и от эскимосов, канадский английский взял слова анорак, орехи, каяк и другие.
As so many people speak English in so many countries, there are many different "Englishes". The best form of English is called Standard English and is the language of educated English speakers. The government, The BBC, The Universities, uses it and it is often called Queen’s English. American English is the variety of the English spoken in the United States. It is different from English in pronunciation, intonation, spelling, vocabulary and sometimes – even grammar! An Englishman goes to the town center to see a film while an American goes downtown to see a movie. If an Englishman needs a pen he would ask you: "Have you got a pen, please?" but the American would say:" Do you have a pen?" Australian and New Zealand English, also called Australian English, are very similar. Especially in pronunciation they are also similar to British English, but there are differences in vocabulary and slang. Many terms, such as kangaroo, dingo, wombat and boomerang, come from the Aboriginal language and many others from the Cockney dialect spoken by the first settlers, the Londoners. Canadian English is different both from American and from British English. It is said to sound like American to Britons and like British to Americans . In pioneer days Canadians borrowed/took many words from Canadian French, for example, bateau and habitant, from the native Indian languages came many words like caribou and totem, and from Eskimo, Canadian English took anoraks, nuts, kayak and others.
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