Помогите пожалуйста!Рассказ про Эрмитаж с переводом. Примерно 40 - 50 слов.
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Рассказ про Эрмитаж с переводом. Примерно 40 - 50 слов.
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The State Hermitage Museum is located in St. Petersburg – the cultural capital of Russia. It is one of the largest museums in the world.The museum was founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great and has been open to the public since 1852.Today, the Hermitage is a complex museum. Its main exhibition is located in five buildings situated in the center of St. Petersburg along the Neva river. The main building of the complex is the Winter Palace.The building of the present (fifth) Winter Palace was built in 1754-1762 by the architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. The building is in the style of a magnificent Elizabethan Baroque with Rococo elements.The first thing that catches one’s eye is the splendor and solemnity of the outer shape of the Winter Palace. Along the perimeter of the building above the cornice there are sculptures and vases, which give the building a gorgeous and elegant look.The three-storey building of the Winter Palace has four wings and a courtyard.The building’s facades face the Neva river, the Palace Square and the Admiralty. The main facade is cut with an arch of front drive.Modern palace is made in emerald colours; columns, cornices and window frames are in white; and stucco molding and the rest decor is made in ocher.
Госуда́рственный Эрмита́ж — один из крупнейших и самых значительных художественных и культурно-исторических музеев России и мира. Находится в Санкт-Петербурге.Свою историю музей начинает с коллекций произведений искусства, которые приобретала в частном порядке российская императрица Екатерина II. Первоначально эта коллекция размещалась в специальном дворцовом флигеле — Малом Эрмитаже (от фр. ermitage — место уединения, келья, приют отшельника, затворничество), откуда и закрепилось общее название будущего музея[1]. В 1852 году из сильно разросшейся коллекции был сформирован и открыт для посещения публикиИмператорский Эрмитаж.Современный Государственный Эрмитаж представляет собой сложный музейный комплекс. Основная экспозиционная часть музея занимает пять зданий, расположенных вдоль набережной реки Невы в центре Санкт-Петербурга, главным из которых принято считать Зимний дворец. Коллекция музея насчитывает около трёх миллионов произведений искусства и памятников мировой культуры, начиная с каменного века и до нашего столетия.
The state Hermitage is one of the largest and most significant art and historical museums of Russia and the world. Located in Saint-Petersburg.
The history of the Museum begins with the art collections, which were acquired in private Russian Empress Catherine II. Originally the collection was housed in a special wing of the Palace — the Small Hermitage (from FR. ermitage — a place of solitude, the cell of the hermit's shelter, and seclusion), which entrenched the common name of the future Museum[1]. In 1852, of a greatly expanded collection was formed and is open to the public Imperial Hermitage.
The modern State Hermitage is a sophisticated Museum complex. The main exposition of the Museum occupies five buildings situated along the embankment of the Neva river in Central St. Petersburg, most of which is considered to be the Winter Palace. The Museum's collection includes about three million works of art and monuments of world culture from the stone age to the present century.
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