ПОМОГИТЕ!! СРОЧНО! Хотя бы не всё, часть! Заполни пропуски в диалогах. 1. A. Which countries did you visit last summer? B. England, Italy and Spain. A. Which did you like THE BEST (good)? B. Italy. It`s ......... (beautiful) co...

ПОМОГИТЕ!! СРОЧНО! Хотя бы не всё, часть! Заполни пропуски в диалогах. 1. A. Which countries did you visit last summer? B. England, Italy and Spain. A. Which did you like THE BEST (good)? B. Italy. It`s ......... (beautiful) country in the world. 2. A. Let`s buy a new computer. B. How mach is ...... (cheap) one? A. I don`t know. We can ask. 3 A. You must take some warm clotches with you. B. Why ? A. It`s ........ (could) place in England. 4. A I want to buy a house in Madrid. B. Are you sure? It`s (expensive) city in Spain! 5. A. How was your Maths test? B. It was......(bad) off all. I couldn`t answer anything. 6. A. Tony is very tall. B. Yes, He`s .... (tall) boy in our class. 7. A. I want to buy a Potsche! B. Why? A. It`s ..... (fast) car in the world.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. the most beautiful 2. the cheapest 3. the coldest 4. the most expensive 5. the worst 6. the tallest 7. the fastest
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