Помогите умоляю с английским я вообще ноль ПЛАЧУ ААААААААА НЕ КАК НЕ СДЕЛАЮ И НЕ КТО НЕ ПОМОГАЕТ УМОЛЯЮ ПОМОГИТЕ Fill in the blanks with appropriate words where it is necessary 1)I would like to invite my British pen friend  .....

Помогите умоляю с английским я вообще ноль ПЛАЧУ ААААААААА НЕ КАК НЕ СДЕЛАЮ И НЕ КТО НЕ ПОМОГАЕТ УМОЛЯЮ ПОМОГИТЕ Fill in the blanks with appropriate words where it is necessary 1)I would like to invite my British pen friend  ..... Moscow 2)I propose ..... that he comes .... 15 days .... May  3)I"ll be responsible ... the educational and social programmes 4)He"ll stay ...my family  5)I hope he won"t miss ... his family ... his stay ...Moscow                                         СЛОВА ДЛЯ СПРАВОК DURING FOR WITH TO IN                                           Задание №2 Complete the sentences.Add the tag endings. Example:My friends is nervons , ....---- My friend is nervins,isn"t he 1)They will arrange the date and time of our meeting.......? 2)Her pen friend studies  at a Local State School in London ....? 3)Our parents don"t play sports... ? 4)My sister can speak and read German  well...? 5)Their headteacher didn"t get the invitation ....? 6)Linda"s friends were responsible for the music....? 7)We couldn"t go to the theatre together....?                     ВЫПОЛНТЕ ХОТЯ БЫ ОДНО ИЗ НИХ ПИШИТЕ В ЛИЧКУ УМОЛЯЮ ТОКО ПОМОГИТЕ КТО СДЕАЛЕТ 2 ЗАДАНИЯ И ПРАВИЛЬНО ОТМЕЧУ ЛУЧШЕЕ РЕШЕНИЕ И СПАСИБО ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО ЖДУ ОТВЕТОВ ну помогите  
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1- in. 2-during, in. 3-with/ 4-in 5-with,to                    
1. in 2. for, in 3. to 4. with 5. during, in   Задание 2 1) won't they? 2) isn't he/she? 3) do they? 4) can she? 5) did he? 6)  weren't they? 7) could we?  
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